Linda Hägerhed
Linda Hägerhed
Senior Lecturer, University of Borås, Sweden
確認したメール アドレス: hb.se
The association between asthma and allergic symptoms in children and phthalates in house dust: a nested case–control study
CG Bornehag, J Sundell, CJ Weschler, T Sigsgaard, B Lundgren, ...
Environmental health perspectives 112 (14), 1393-1397, 2004
Phthalates in indoor dust and their association with building characteristics
CG Bornehag, B Lundgren, CJ Weschler, T Sigsgaard, ...
Environmental health perspectives 113 (10), 1399-1404, 2005
‘Dampness’ at home and its association with airway, nose, and skin symptoms among 10,851 preschool children in Sweden: a cross-sectional study.
CG Bornehag, J Sundell, L Hagerhed-Engman, T Sigsggard, S Janson, ...
Indoor air 15, 2005
Association between ventilation rates in 390 Swedish homes and allergic symptoms in children.
CG Bornehag, J Sundell, L Hägerhed-Engman, T Sigsgaard
Indoor air 15 (4), 2005
Day‐care attendance and increased risk for respiratory and allergic symptoms in preschool age
L Hagerhed‐Engman, CG Bornehag, J Sundell, N Åberg
Allergy 61 (4), 447-453, 2006
Pet‐keeping in early childhood and airway, nose and skin symptoms later in life
CG Bornehag, J Sundell, L Hagerhed, S Janson, DBH Study Group
Allergy 58 (9), 939-944, 2003
PVC–as flooring material–and its association with incident asthma in a Swedish child cohort study
M Larsson, L Hägerhed‐Engman, B Kolarik, P James, F Lundin, S Janson, ...
Indoor air 20 (6), 494-501, 2010
Featured Research Studies
L Hägerhed-Engman, T Sigsgaard, I Samuelson, J Sundell, S Janson, ...
Indoor air 19 (3), 184-92, 2009
Indoor air quality guidelines from across the world: An appraisal considering energy saving, health, productivity, and comfort
S Dimitroulopoulou, MR Dudzińska, L Gunnarsen, L Hägerhed, H Maula, ...
Environment International 178, 108127, 2023
How valid are parents' questionnaire responses regarding building characteristics, mouldy odour, and signs of moisture problems in Swedish homes?
L Hägerhed Engman, CG Bornehag, J Sundell
Scandinavian journal of public health 35 (2), 125-132, 2007
Culturable mold in indoor air and its association with moisture‐related problems and asthma and allergy among Swedish children
J Holme, L Hägerhed‐Engman, J Mattsson, J Sundell, CG Bornehag
Indoor air 20 (4), 329-340, 2010
Incidence rates of asthma, rhinitis and eczema symptoms and influential factors in young children in Sweden
M Larsson, L Hägerhed‐Engman, T Sigsgaard, S Janson, J Sundell, ...
Acta Paediatrica 97 (9), 1210-1215, 2008
Building characteristics associated with moisture related problems in 8,918 Swedish dwellings
L Hägerhed-Engman, CG Bornehag, J Sundell
International journal of environmental health research 19 (4), 251-265, 2009
Can we trust cross-sectional studies when studying the risk of moisture-related problems indoor for asthma in children?
M Larsson, L Hägerhed-Engman, S Moniruzzaman, S Janson, J Sundell, ...
International journal of environmental health research 21 (4), 237-247, 2011
Ventilation strategies and indoor particulate matter in a classroom
A Fischer, E Ljungström, L Hägerhed Engman, S Langer
Indoor air 25 (2), 168-175, 2015
Levels of endotoxin in 390 Swedish homes: determinants and the risk for respiratory symptoms in children
S Moniruzzaman, L Hägerhed Engman, P James, T Sigsgaard, ...
International journal of environmental health research 22 (1), 22-36, 2012
Indoor environmental factors and its associations with asthma and allergy among Swedish pre-school children
L Hägerhed Engman
Report TVBH 1015, 2006
Open database for international and national indoor environmental quality guidelines
O Toyinbo, L Hägerhed, S Dimitroulopoulou, M Dudzinska, S Emmerich, ...
Indoor air 32 (4), e13028, 2022
Dampness in buildings and health. Dampness at home as a risk factor for symptoms among 10 851 swedish children (DBH-step 1)
CG Bornehag, J Sundell, L Hagerhed, S Janson
9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 2002
Dampness in buildings and health. Building characteristics as predictors for dampness in 8681 Swedish dwellings
L Hagerhed, CG Bornehag, J Sundell
9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 2002
論文 1–20