Sachin Taran
Sachin Taran
Delhi Technological University
確認したメール アドレス: dtu.ac.in
Convolutional Neural Network Based Approach Towards Motor Imagery Tasks EEG Signals Classification
S Chaudhary, S Taran, V Bajaj, A Sengur
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019
Emotion recognition from single-channel EEG signals using a two-stage correlation and instantaneous frequency-based filtering method
S Taran, V Bajaj
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2019
Motor imagery tasks-based EEG signals classification using tunable-Q wavelet transform
S Taran, V Bajaj
Neural Computing and Applications 31 (11), 6925-6932, 2019
Feature extraction method for classification of alertness and drowsiness states EEG signals
V Bajaj, S Taran, SK Khare, A Sengur
Applied Acoustics 163, 107224, 2020
A flexible analytic wavelet transform based approach for motor-imagery tasks classification in BCI applications
S Chaudhary, S Taran, V Bajaj, S Siuly
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 187, 105325, 2020
Features based on analytic IMF for classifying motor imagery EEG signals in BCI applications
S Taran, V Bajaj, D Sharma, S Siuly, A Sengur
Measurement 116, 68-76, 2018
Surface EMG signals and deep transfer learning-based physical action classification
F Demir, V Bajaj, MC Ince, S Taran, A Şengür
Neural Computing and Applications 31, 8455-8462, 2019
Emotion classification using EEG signals based on tunable‐Q wavelet transform
AH Krishna, AB Sri, KYVS Priyanka, S Taran, V Bajaj
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 13 (3), 375-380, 2019
Drowsiness Detection Using Adaptive Hermite Decomposition and Extreme Learning Machine for Electroencephalogram Signals
S Taran, V Bajaj
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (21), 8855-8862, 2018
Sleep Apnea Detection Using Artificial Bee Colony Optimize Hermite Basis Functions for EEG Signals
S Taran, V Bajaj
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019
Clustering variational mode decomposition for identification of focal EEG signals
S Taran, V Bajaj
IEEE sensors letters 2 (4), 1-4, 2018
Rhythm‐based identification of alcohol EEG signals
S Taran, V Bajaj
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 12 (3), 343-349, 2018
Emotion classification using flexible analytic wavelet transform for electroencephalogram signals
V Bajaj, S Taran, A Sengur
Health information science and systems 6, 1-7, 2018
Automatic sleep stages classification using optimize flexible analytic wavelet transform
S Taran, PC Sharma, V Bajaj
Knowledge-Based Systems 192, 105367, 2020
Flexible analytic wavelet transform based features for physical action identification using sEMG signals
S Chada, V Bajaj, S Taran, A Sengür
Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering, 2019
Environmental sound classification using optimum allocation sampling based empirical mode decomposition
S Ahmad, S Agrawal, S Joshi, S Taran, V Bajaj, F Demir, A Sengur
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 537, 122613, 2020
Robust Hermite decomposition algorithm for classification of sleep apnea EEG signals
S Taran, V Bajaj, D Sharma
Electronics Letters 53 (17), 1182-1184, 2017
An optimum allocation sampling based feature extraction scheme for distinguishing seizure and seizure-free EEG signals
S Taran, V Bajaj, S Siuly
Health information science and systems 5, 1-7, 2017
Detection of sleep apnea events using electroencephalogram signals
S Taran, V Bajaj, GR Sinha, K Polat
Applied Acoustics 181, 108137, 2021
Sleep apnea detection using electrocardiogram signal input to FAWT and optimize ensemble classifier
H Pant, HK Dhanda, S Taran
Measurement 189, 110485, 2022
論文 1–20