Gad El-Qady
Shallow seismic refraction, two-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging, and ground penetrating radar for imaging the ancient monuments at the western shore of Old Luxor …
EI Selim, AA Basheer, G Elqady, MA Hafez
Archaeological Discovery 2 (2), 31-43, 2014
Imaging subsurface cavities using geoelectric tomography and ground-penetrating radar
G El-Qady, M Hafez, MA Abdalla, K Ushijima
Journal of cave and karst studies 67 (3), 174-181, 2005
Inversion of DC resistivity data using neural networks
G El‐Qady, K Ushijima
Geophysical Prospecting 49 (4), 417-430, 2001
Integrated geoelectrical survey for groundwater and shallow subsurface evaluation: case study at Siliyin spring, El-Fayoum, Egypt
M Metwaly, G El-Qady, U Massoud, A El-Kenawy, J Matsushima, N Al-Arifi
International journal of earth sciences 99, 1427-1436, 2010
Delineation of a geothermal reservoir by 2D inversion of resistivity data at Hammam Faraun area, Sinai, Egypt
G El-Qady
Proc. World Geothermal Congress 2005, 1103-1108, 2000
Exploration of a geothermal reservoir using geoelectrical resistivity inversion: case study at Hammam Mousa, Sinai, Egypt
G El-Qady
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 3 (2), 114-121, 2006
Structural interpretation of aeromagnetic data for the Wadi El Natrun area, northwestern desert, Egypt
IM Ibraheem, EA Elawadi, GM El-Qady
Journal of African Earth Sciences 139, 14-25, 2018
Integrated geophysical survey for site investigation at a new dwelling area, Egypt
E Elawadi, G El-Qady, A Nigm, F Shaaban, K Ushijima
Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics 11 (4), 249-259, 2006
2-D inversion of VES data in Saqqara archaeological area, Egypt
G El-Qady, C Sakamoto, K Ushijima
Earth, planets and space 51, 1091-1098, 1999
AMT and CSAMT methods for hydrocarbon exploration at Nile Delta, Egypt
A Younis, G El-Qady, M Abd Alla, M Abdel Zaher, A Khalil, M Al Ibiary, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, 1965-1975, 2015
Evaluation of sea water intrusion using the electrical resistivity and transient electromagnetic survey: case study at Fan of Wadi Feiran, Sinai, Egypt
EA Al-Sayed, G El-Qady
EGM 2007 international workshop, cp-166-00074, 2007
Identification of the shallow subsurface succession and investigation of the seawater invasion to the Quaternary aquifer at the northern part of El Qaa plain, Southern Sinai …
U Massoud, F Santos, G El Qady, M Atya, M Soliman
Geophysical prospecting 58 (2), 267-277, 2010
Delineation of shallow subsurface structure by azimuthal resistivity sounding and joint inversion of VES-TEM data: Case study near Lake Qaroun, El Fayoum, Egypt
U Massoud, GE Qady, M Metwaly, F Santos
Pure and applied geophysics 166, 701-719, 2009
Crustal thermal structure of the Farafra oasis, Egypt, based on airborne potential field data
MA Zaher, S Elbarbary, SA Sultan, G El-Qady, A Ismail, EM Takla
Geothermics 75, 220-234, 2018
Geophysical techniques applied in archaeology
G El-Qady, M Metwaly, MG Drahor
Archaeogeophysics: State of the art and case studies, 1-25, 2018
Tracing buried pipelines using multi frequency electromagnetic
G El-Qady, M Metwaly, A Khozaym
NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics 3 (1), 101-107, 2014
Structural influence on the evolution of the pre-Eonile drainage system of southern Egypt: Insights from magnetotelluric and gravity data
J Roden, MG Abdelsalam, E Atekwana, G El-Qady, EA Tarabees
Journal of African Earth Sciences 61 (5), 358-368, 2011
Detection of cavities using pole-dipole resistivity technique
E Elawadi, G El-Qady, A Salem, K Ushijima
九州大学大学院工学研究院 61 (4), 101-112, 2001
Shallow groundwater investigation using time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) method at Itay El-Baroud, Nile Delta, Egypt
H Shaaban, G El-Qady, E Al-Sayed, H Ghazala, AI Taha
NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics 5 (2), 323-333, 2016
Hydrogeophysical and structural investigation using VES and TDEM data: a case study at El-Nubariya–Wadi El-Natrun area, west Nile Delta, Egypt
IM Ibraheem, GM El-Qady, A ElGalladi
NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics 5 (1), 198-215, 2016
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