Strategy-in-Practices: A process philosophical approach to understanding strategy emergence and organizational outcomes MacKay, B. R., Chia, R. & Nair, A. K. Human Relations 74 (9), 1337-1369, 2021 | 95 | 2021 |
Rigidities of imagination in scenario planning: Strategic foresight through ‘Unlearning’ G Burt, AK Nair Technological Forecasting and Social Change 153, 119927, 2020 | 89 | 2020 |
Emerging patterns of grassroots innovations: results of a conceptual study based on selected cases from India AK Nair, R Tiwari, S Buse Lead Market India: Key Elements and Corporate Perspectives for Frugal …, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
The Dynamics of Inter-Organizational Relations In Contemporary Manufacturing: Nested Negotiations in Value Networks M Sminia, H., Nair, A. K., Ates, A., Paton, S., & Smith Managing Inter-organizational Collaborations: Process Views, Research in the …, 2019 | 4* | 2019 |
Judgment in Business and Management Research: Shedding new light on a familiar concept H Tsoukas, D Hadjimichael, AK Nair, I Pyrko, S Woolley Academy of Management Annals, annals. 2022.0175, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Researching Process and Organization:‘In Situ Reflexive Probing’as a Process Methodology AK Nair, G Burt, R Chia The second mini conference:" Expanding New Horizons for Strategy Process …, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Confronting Digital Disruption: How organizational dynamics shape response strategies in incumbent firms. H Nair, A. K. & Sminia 35th European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium, 2019 | 1* | 2019 |
Business models: a routine dynamics reconceptualization AK Nair, L D'Adderio, J Corney British Academy of Management 2017 Conference: Reconnecting management …, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Organising while innovating: towards a process theory in innovation management AK Nair | 1 | 2015 |
Entrepreneuring and New Venture Creation: The Practice of Entrepreneuring as Experimental Action in Contact with the Real AK Nair, R Chia 39th European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium, 6-8 July, University …, 2023 | | 2023 |
Teaching note: Raw Goodness-Just how do you trial a business idea? AK Nair, FJ Greene | | 2022 |
Teaching note: RG Pet Foods: How do you build a viable start-up? A Nair, F Greene | | 2022 |
Teaching note: How can Bella & Duke become top dog within the pet food industry? A Nair, F Greene | | 2022 |
Raw Goodness-Just how do you trial a business idea? A Nair, F Greene | | 2022 |
RG Pet Foods: How do you build a viable start-up? A Nair, F Greene | | 2022 |
How can Bella & Duke become top dog within the pet food industry? A Nair, F Greene | | 2022 |
Subsidiary strategy process: autonomy, distinctiveness, competitive advantage and performance A Nair, H Sminia BAM 2019: 33rd Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2019 | | 2019 |
Subsidiary strategy process : autonomy, distinctiveness, competitive advantage and performance AK Sminia, H & Nair Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management: Building and …, 2019 | | 2019 |
Disentangling dynamics of the innovation journey: A becoming perspective R Nair, A. K. & Chia 34th European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium, 2018 | | 2018 |
Meta-theoretical puzzles in innovation research: A synthesis of current insights and pathways for future inquiry H Nair, A. K. & Sminia Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management 32, 2018 | | 2018 |