オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Tim Wildschut詳細
一般公開: 27 件
Pancultural nostalgia: prototypical conceptions across cultures.
EG Hepper, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, TD Ritchie, YF Yung, N Hansen, ...
Emotion 14 (4), 733, 2014
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Economic and Social …
Nostalgia fosters self-continuity: Uncovering the mechanism (social connectedness) and consequence (eudaimonic well-being).
C Sedikides, T Wildschut, WY Cheung, C Routledge, EG Hepper, J Arndt, ...
Emotion 16 (4), 524, 2016
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The restorative power of nostalgia: Thwarting loneliness by raising happiness during the COVID-19 pandemic
X Zhou, C Sedikides, T Mo, W Li, E Hong, T Wildschut
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2021
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Hungering for the past: Nostalgic food labels increase purchase intentions and actual consumption
X Zhou, WA Van Tilburg, D Mei, T Wildschut, C Sedikides
Appetite 140, 151-158, 2019
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An intergroup approach to collective narcissism: Intergroup threats and hostility in four European Union countries
R Guerra, K Bierwiaczonek, M Ferreira, A Golec de Zavala, ...
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25 (2), 415-433, 2022
委任: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Social mindfulness and prosociality vary across the globe
NJ Van Doesum, RO Murphy, M Gallucci, E Aharonov-Majar, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (35), e2023846118, 2021
委任: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, Netherlands …
Psychological and mnemonic benefits of nostalgia for people with dementia
S Ismail, G Christopher, E Dodd, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, TA Ingram, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 65 (4), 1327-1344, 2018
委任: Alzheimers's UK
Nostalgia promotes help seeking by fostering social connectedness.
J Juhl, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, X Xiong, X Zhou
Emotion 21 (3), 631, 2021
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Different pasts for different political folk: Political orientation predicts collective nostalgia content
A Stefaniak, MJA Wohl, C Sedikides, A Smeekes, T Wildschut
Frontiers in Political Science 3, 633688, 2021
委任: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Nostalgia and self-enhancement: Phenotypic and genetic approaches
YLL Luo, Y Liu, H Cai, T Wildschut, C Sedikides
Social Psychological and Personality Science 7 (8), 857-866, 2016
委任: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Patterns of brain activity associated with nostalgia: A social-cognitive neuroscience perspective
Z Yang, T Wildschut, K Izuma, R Gu, YLL Luo, H Cai, C Sedikides
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2022
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Nostalgia enhances detection of death threat: neural and behavioral evidence
Z Yang, C Sedikides, K Izuma, T Wildschut, ES Kashima, YLL Luo, J Chen, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-8, 2021
委任: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Nostalgic conversations: The co-production of an intervention package for people living with dementia and their spouse
E Dodd, S Ismail, G Christopher, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, R Cheston
Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 2021
委任: Alzheimers's UK
5-HTTLPR polymorphism is associated with nostalgia proneness: The role of neuroticism
YLL Luo, KM Welker, B Way, N DeWall, BJ Bushman, T Wildschut, ...
Social Neuroscience 14 (2), 183-190, 2019
委任: US National Science Foundation
Coping with noise in social dilemmas: Group representatives fare worse than individuals because they lack trust in others’ benign intentions
CP Reinders Folmer, T Wildschut, D De Cremer, PAM van Lange
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 22 (2), 200-214, 2019
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
The Content of Nostalgic Memories Among People Living with Dementia
S Ismail, E Dodd, G Christopher, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, R Cheston
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 2021
委任: Alzheimers's UK
Trajectory of nostalgia in emerging adulthood
Y Wang, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, M Wu, H Cai
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2023
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
More than a barrier: Nostalgia inhibits, but also promotes, favorable responses to innovative technology
J Dang, C Sedikides, T Wildschut, L Liu
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2024
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Distress prospectively predicts higher nostalgia, and nostalgia prospectively predicts lower distress
Y Wang, C Sedikides, T Wildschut, Y Yang, H Cai
Journal of Personality, 2023
委任: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Induction of spatial anxiety in a virtual navigation environment
A Oliver, T Wildschut, M Parker, A Wood, E Redhead
Behavior Research Methods, 2022
委任: UK Economic and Social Research Council
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