Jeffrey Earp
Jeffrey Earp
Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche, CNR
確認したメール アドレス: itd.cnr.it
An update to the systematic literature review of empirical evidence of the impacts and outcomes of computer games and serious games
EA Boyle, T Hainey, TM Connolly, G Gray, J Earp, M Ott, T Lim, M Ninaus, ...
Computers & Education 94, 178-192, 2016
Gamification and education: A literature review
I Caponetto, J Earp, M Ott
European conference on games based learning 1, 50, 2014
The Nordic approach to introducing Computational Thinking and programming in compulsory education
S Bocconi, A Chioccariello, J Earp
Report prepared for the Nordic@ BETT2018 Steering Group 42, 2018
Framing the adoption of serious games in formal education
S Arnab, R Berta, J Earp, S De Freitas, M Popescu, M Romero, I Stanescu, ...
Electronic Journal of e-learning 10 (2), pp159‑171-pp159‑171, 2012
Reviewing computational thinking in compulsory education: State of play and practices from computing education
S Bocconi, A Chioccariello, P Kampylis, V Dagienė, P Wastiau, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2022
Learning through playing for or against each other? Promoting collaborative learning in digital game based learning
M Romero, M Usart, M Ott, J Earp, S de Freitas, S Arnab
Educational games as a motivational tool: Considerations on their potential and limitations
M Passarelli, FM Dagnino, J Earp, F Manganello, D Persico, F Pozzi, ...
SciTePress 1, 330-337, 2019
Game making for learning: A systematic review of the research literature
J Earp
ICERI2015 Proceedings, 6426-6435, 2015
Narrative serious game mechanics (NSGM)–insights into the narrative-pedagogical mechanism
T Lim, S Louchart, N Suttie, JB Hauge, IA Stanescu, IM Ortiz, ...
Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports: 4th International …, 2014
Pedagogical plans as communication oriented objects
G Olimpo, RM Bottino, J Earp, M Ott, F Pozzi, M Tavella
Computers & Education 55 (2), 476-488, 2010
Meeting players where they are: Digital games and learning ecologies
D Persico, M Passarelli, F Pozzi, J Earp, FM Dagnino, F Manganello
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (4), 1687-1712, 2019
Supporting and representing Learning Design with digital tools: in between guidance and flexibility
F Pozzi, JI Asensio-Perez, A Ceregini, FM Dagnino, Y Dimitriadis, J Earp
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 29 (1), 109-128, 2020
DigCompEdu. Il quadro di riferimento europeo sulle competenze digitali dei docenti
S Bocconi, J Earp, S Panesi
Testo disponibile al sito https://digcompedu. cnr. it …, 2018
Approaches to collaborative game-making for fostering 21st century skills
S Bermingham, N Charlier, F Dagnino, J Duggan, J Earp, K Kiili, E Luts, ...
European Conference on Games Based Learning, 45, 2013
Supporting human capital development with serious games: An analysis of three experiences
J Earp, M Ott, M Popescu, M Romero, M Usart
Computers in Human Behavior 30, 715-720, 2014
Hot issues in game enhanced learning: the GEL viewpoint
S de Freitas, J Earp, M Ott, K Kiili, M Ney, M Popescu, M Romero, M Usart, ...
Procedia Computer Science 15, 25-31, 2012
Supporting the design of pilot learning activities with the Pedagogical Plan Manager
RM Bottino, J Earp, G Olimpo, M Ott, F Pozzi, M Tavella
IFIP World Computer Congress, TC 3, 37-44, 2008
Serious games in formal education: Discussing some critical aspects
M Popescu, S Arnab, R Berta, J Earp, S de Freitas, M Romero, I Stanescu, ...
Proceedings 5th European Conference on Game-Based Learning, 486-493, 2011
Fostering reflection in ICT-based pedagogical planning
J Earp, F Pozzi
Proceedings of the first International LAMS conference, 35-44, 2006
Learning through playing for or against each other
M Romero, M Usart, M Ott, J Earp, S De Freitas, S Arnab
Promoting collaborative learning in digital game based learning 5, 15-28, 2012
論文 1–20