Miriam Schleipen
Miriam Schleipen
Chief Research Officer at EKS InTec GmbH
確認したメール アドレス: eks-intec.de
OPC UA & Industrie 4.0-Enabling Technology with High Diversity and Variability
M Schleipen, SS Gilani, T Bischoff, J Pfrommer
Procedia CIRP 57, 315-320, 2016
Interoperability between OPC UA and AutomationML
R Henssen, M Schleipen
Procedia CIRP 25, 297-304, 2014
Interoperability between OPC UA and AutomationML
R Henssen, M Schleipen
Procedia CIRP 25, 297-304, 2014
Interoperability between OPC UA and AutomationML
R Henβen, M Schleipen
8th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology-DET 2014 …, 0
Three-view-concept for modeling process or manufacturing plants with AutomationML
M Schleipen, R Drath
2009 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, 1-4, 2009
Requirements and concept for plug-and-work
M Schleipen, A Lüder, O Sauer, H Flatt, J Jasperneite
at-Automatisierungstechnik 63 (10), 801-820, 2015
PPRS: Production skills and their relation to product, process, and resource
J Pfrommer, M Schleipen, J Beyerer
2013 IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2013
OPC UA supporting the automated engineering of production monitoring and control systems
M Schleipen
2008 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2008
The system-independent data exchange format CAEX for supporting an automatic configuration of a production monitoring and control system
M Schleipen, R Drath, O Sauer
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 1786-1791, 2008
One step towards an Industry 4.0 component
A Lüder, M Schleipen, N Schmidt, J Pfrommer, R Henssen
2017 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 1268 …, 2017
Multi-level user and role concept for a secure plug-and-work based on OPC UA and AutomationML
M Schleipen, E Selyansky, R Henssen, T Bischoff
2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2015
Adaptivität und semantische Interoperabilität von Manufacturing Execution Systemen (MES)
M Schleipen
KIT Scientific Publishing, 2012
Information Model for Capabilities, Skills & Services
C Diedrich, A Belyaev, J Bock, S Grimm, J Hermann, T Klausmann, ...
Automationml to describe skills of production plants based on the ppr concept
M Schleipen, J Pfrommer, K Aleksandrov, D Stogl, S Escaida, J Beyerer, ...
3rd AutomationML user conference, Blomberg, 2014
Towards Flexibility in Future Industrial Manufacturing: A Global Framework for Self-organization of Production Cells
S Azaiez, M Boc, L Cudennec, MDS Simoes, J Haupert, S Kchir, X Klinge, ...
Procedia Computer Science 83, 1268-1273, 2016
The CAEX tool suite-User assistance for the use of standardized plant engineering data exchange
M Schleipen, M Okon
2010 IEEE 15th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2010
Plug-and-work von Produktionsanlagen und übergeordneter Software
O Sauer, M Ebel
Informatik 2007–Informatik trifft Logistik–Band 2, 331-338, 2007
Praxishandbuch OPC UA: Grundlagen–Implementierung–Nachrüstung–Praxisbeispiele
M Schleipen, H Mersch, J Aro, H Tahvanainen, D Pagnozzi, T Usländer, ...
Vogel Business Media, 2018
Begrifflichkeiten um Industrie 4.0–Ordnung im Sprachwirrwarr
J Pfrommer, M Schleipen, T Usländer, U Epple, R Heidel, L Urbas, ...
Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme–EKA, 8, 2014
Wie kann man den Engineering-Prozess systematisch verbessern?
A Fay, M Schleipen, M Mühlhause
atp magazin 51 (01-02), 80-85, 2013
論文 1–20