Dr. Kuldeep Yadav
Dr. Kuldeep Yadav
School of Electronics Engineering, VIT Chennai
確認したメール アドレス: vit.ac.in
Throughput of an energy harvesting cognitive radio network based on prediction of primary user
A Bhowmick, K Yadav, SD Roy, S Kundu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (9), 8119-8128, 2017
Defense against spectrum sensing data falsification attacker in cognitive radio networks
K Yadav, SD Roy, S Kundu
Wireless Personal Communications 112 (2), 849-862, 2020
Array failure correction with placement of wide nulls in the radiation pattern of a linear array antenna using iterative fast Fourier transform
K Yadav, AK Rajak, H Singh
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence …, 2015
Secrecy and throughput performance of an energy harvesting hybrid cognitive radio network with spectrum sensing
P Maji, K Yadav, SD Roy, S Kundu
Wireless Networks 26 (2), 1301-1314, 2020
Throughput performance under primary user emulation attack in cognitive radio networks
K Yadav, B Prasad, A Bhowmick, SD Roy, S Kundu
International Journal of Communication Systems 30 (18), e3371, 2017
Hybrid cooperative spectrum sensing with cyclostationary detector and improved energy detector for cognitive radio networks
V Patil, K Yadav, SD Roy, S Kundu
2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing …, 2017
Hybrid cooperative spectrum sensing with cyclostationary detection for cognitive radio networks
K Yadav, SD Roy, S Kundu
2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2016
Enhanced throughput performance under primary user emulation attack in cognitive radio networks by optimal threshold selection approach
K Yadav, SD Roy, S Kundu
2018 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering …, 2018
Multi slot-throughput tradeoff in an improved energy detector based faded cognitive radio network
A Bhowmick, K Yadav, SD Roy, S Kundu
Wireless Networks 24, 2539-2552, 2018
Application of iterative fast Fourier transform for fault finding in linear array antenna with various fault percentage
K Yadav, H Singh
2014 Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy …, 2014
Throughput of cognitive radio networks with improved energy detector under security threats
K Yadav, S Dhar Roy, S Kundu
International Journal of Communication Systems 31 (6), e3512, 2018
Total error reduction in presence of malicious user in a cognitive radio network
K Yadav, SD Roy, S Kundu
2018 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering …, 2018
Enhanced Throughput Performance of Cognitive Radio Networks under Primary User Emulation Attack with Spectrum Prediction
K Yadav, SD Roy, S Kundu
2017 14th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2017
Cooperative spectrum sensing based on dynamic clustering with improved energy detector
K Yadav, A Bhowmick, SD Roy, S Kundu
2016 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Information …, 2016
Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Under Security Threats and Hybrid Spectrum Access
K Yadav, A Bhowmick, SD Roy, S Kundu
Cognitive Radio, Mobile Communications and Wireless Networks, 187-207, 2019
Outage analysis of a secondary user in overlay/underlay model
K Yadav, B Prasad, SD Roy, S Kundu
2015 International Conference on Futuristic Trends on Computational Analysis …, 2015
Dipole Antenna Array Synthesis for the Improvement of the Performance Using FPA
H Patidar, PK Singh, A De, P Upadhyay, K Yadav
2024 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2024
Outage Analysis of an IRS-assisted Relaying NOMA Network
N Gupta, D Bepari, K Yadav, S Mondal
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical …, 2024
Performance Analysis of a Cognitive Radio Network Under Energy Harvesting from Primary User Emulation Attacker
SK K Yadav, SD Roy
Wireless Personal Communications 121 (3), 2181–2198, 2021
Generation of Staircase Type Side Lobe Level from Linear Array Antenna Using Fast Fourier Transform
SK Singh, K Yadav, GK Mahanti
2014 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing and …, 2014
論文 1–20