imen Miya
imen Miya
étudiande doctorat droitére
確認したメール アドレス: なし - ホームページ
Benchmark models of eddy current testing for steam generator tube: experiment and numerical analysis
T Takagi, M Hashimoto, H Fukutomi, M Kurokawa, K Miya, H Tsuboi, ...
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics in Materials 5 (3), 149-162, 1994
Numerical electromagnetic field analysis of type-II superconductors
T Sugiura, H Hashizume, K Miya
International journal of applied electromagnetics in materials 2 (3), 183-196, 1991
Magnetic field and force analysis of high T/sub c/superconductor with flux flow and creep
Y Yoshida, M Uesaka, K Miya
IEEE transactions on magnetics 30 (5), 3503-3506, 1994
Numerical Analysis, 1/e
SR Das
Pearson Education India, 2014
Rapid prediction of eddy current testing signals using A− φ method and database
Z Chen, K Miya, M Kurokawa
NDT & E International 32 (1), 29-36, 1999
Direct observation of plasma-lens effect
H Nakanishi, Y Yoshida, T Ueda, T Kozawa, H Shibata, K Nakajima, ...
Physical review letters 66 (14), 1870, 1991
An effective 3-D finite element scheme for computing electromagnetic field distortions due to defects in eddy-current nondestructive evaluation
Z Badics, Y Matsumoto, K Aoki, F Nakayasu, M Uesaka, K Miya
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 33 (2), 1012-1020, 1997
Experimental and theoretical study on magnetoelastic buckling of a ferromagnetic cantilevered beam-plate
K Miya, K Hara, K Someya
Reconstruction of crack shape by optimization using eddy current field measurement
J Pavo, K Miya
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 30 (5), 3407-3410, 1994
Some advances in numerical analysis techniques for quantitative electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation
Z Chen, N Yusa, K Miya
Nondestructive testing and evaluation 24 (1-2), 69-102, 2009
ECT inversion using a knowledge-based forward solver
Z Chen, K Miya
Journal of nondestructive evaluation 17, 167-175, 1998
Finite-element analysis of magnetoelastic buckling of ferromagnetic beam plate
K Miya, T Takagi, Y Ando
Reconstruction of cracks with physical closure from signals of eddy current testing
Z Chen, K Aoto, K Miya
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 36 (4), 1018-1022, 2000
Large-scale parallel computation for the reconstruction of natural stress corrosion cracks from eddy current testing signals
N Yusa, Z Chen, K Miya, T Uchimoto, T Takagi
NDT & E International 36 (7), 449-459, 2003
Shape reconstruction of multiple cracks from ECT signals by means of a stochastic method
M Rebican, Z Chen, N Yusa, L Janousek, K Miya
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (4), 1079-1082, 2006
Reconstruction of crack shapes from the MFLT signals by using a rapid forward solver and an optimization approach
Z Chen, G Preda, O Mihalache, K Miya
IEEE transactions on magnetics 38 (2), 1025-1028, 2002
Recent advancement of electromagnetic nondestructive inspection technology in Japan
K Miya
IEEE Transactions on magnetics 38 (2), 321-326, 2002
Generation of a subpicosecond relativistic electron single bunch at the S-band linear accelerator
M Uesaka, K Tauchi, T Kozawa, T Kobayashi, T Ueda, K Miya
Physical Review E 50 (4), 3068, 1994
Eddy current inspection of closed fatigue and stress corrosion cracks
N Yusa, S Perrin, K Mizuno, Z Chen, K Miya
Measurement Science and Technology 18 (11), 3403, 2007
Numerical evaluation of the ill-posedness of eddy current problems to size real cracks
N Yusa, H Huang, K Miya
NDT & E International 40 (3), 185-191, 2007
論文 1–20