Milan Saniga
Milan Saniga
professor of silviculture,Technical university Zvolen
確認したメール アドレス: tuzvo.sk
Canopy gaps in an old-growth fir-beech forest remnant of Western Carpathians
S Kucbel, P Jaloviar, M Saniga, J Vencurik, V Klimaš
European Journal of Forest Research 129, 249-259, 2010
Comparing close-to-naturesilviculture with processes in pristine forests: lessons from Central Europe
JP Schütz, M Saniga, J Diaci, T Vrška
Annals of Forest Science 73, 911-921, 2016
Structural dynamics and synchronous silver fir decline in mixed old-growth mountain forests in Eastern and Southeastern Europe
J Diaci, D Rozenbergar, I Anic, S Mikac, M Saniga, S Kucbel, C Visnjic, ...
Forestry 84 (5), 479-491, 2011
Altitudinal variability of stand structure and regeneration in the subalpine spruce forests of the Pol’ana biosphere reserve, Central Slovakia
J Holeksa, M Saniga, J Szwagrzyk, T Dziedzic, S Ferenc, M Wodka
European Journal of Forest Research 126, 303-313, 2007
Pestovanie lesa
Š Korpeľ, J Peňáz, M Saniga, V Tesař
Príroda, 1991
Stand structure and temporal variability in old-growth beech-dominated forests of the northwestern Carpathians: A 40-years perspective
S Kucbel, M Saniga, P Jaloviar, J Vencurik
Forest Ecology and Management 264, 125-133, 2012
A giant tree stand in the West Carpathians—An exception or a relic of formerly widespread mountain European forests?
J Holeksa, M Saniga, J Szwagrzyk, M Czerniak, K Staszyńska, P Kapusta
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (7), 1577-1585, 2009
Dynamics of changes in dead wood share in selected beech virgin forests in Slovakia within their development cycle.
M Saniga, JP Schütz
Relation of dead wood course within the development cycle of selected virgin forests in Slovakia
M Saniga, JP Schütz
Journal of Forest Science 48 (12), 513-528, 2002
Models of disturbance driven dynamics in the West Carpathian spruce forests
J Holeksa, P Jaloviar, S Kucbel, M Saniga, M Svoboda, J Szewczyk, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 388, 79-89, 2017
Structural diversity change and regeneration processes of the Norway spruce natural forest in Babia hora NNR in relation to altitude
J Vorčák, J Merganič, M Saniga
Journal of Forest Science 52 (9), 399-409, 2006
Structural diversity in a mixed spruce-fir-beech old-growth forest remnant of the Western Carpathians
Z Parobeková, J Pittner, S Kucbel, M Saniga, M Filípek, D Sedmáková, ...
Forests 9 (7), 379, 2018
Seven decades of change in a European old-growth forest following a stand-replacing wind disturbance: A long-term case study
P Jaloviar, M Saniga, S Kucbel, J Pittner, J Vencurik, M Dovciak
Forest Ecology and Management 399, 197-205, 2017
Dynamik des Totholzes in zwei gemischten Urwäldern der Westkarpaten im pflanzengeographischen Bereich der Tannen-Buchen-und der Buchenwälder in verschiedenen …
M Saniga, JP Schütz
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 152 (10), 407-416, 2001
The potential for Entomophaga maimaiga to regulate gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) in Europe
M Zúbrik, A Hajek, D Pilarska, I Špilda, G Georgiev, B Hrašovec, A Hirka, ...
Journal of Applied Entomology 140 (8), 565-579, 2016
Gap structure and regeneration in the mixed old-growth forests of National Nature Reserve Sitno, Slovakia
P Jaloviar, D Sedmáková, J Pittner, L Jarčušková Danková, S Kucbel, ...
Forests 11 (1), 81, 2020
Štruktúra, produkčné pomery a regeneračné procesy Badínskeho pralesa
M Saniga
J. For. Sci 45 (3), 121-130, 1999
Pestovanie lesa 2: príručka odborného lesného hospodára
M Saniga
Ústav pre výchovu a vzdelávanie pracovníkov LVH SR, 2001
Four decades of forest succession in the oak-dominated forest reserves in Slovakia
M Saniga, M Balanda, S Kucbel, J Pittner
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 7 (5), 324, 2014
Struktfira, produkcn a regeneracne pocesy tisa obcajneho v Stitnej Prirodnej Rezervaicii Plavno [Structure, production and regeneration processes of English yew in the State …
M Saniga
Journal of Forest Science 46, 76-90, 2000
論文 1–20