Anthony Aguirre
Anthony Aguirre
Professor of Physics, UC Santa Cruz
確認したメール アドレス: scipp.ucsc.edu - ホームページ
Metallicity of the Intergalactic Medium Using Pixel Statistics. II. The Distribution of Metals as Traced by C IV
J Schaye, A Aguirre, TS Kim, T Theuns, M Rauch, WLW Sargent
The Astrophysical Journal 596 (2), 768, 2003
Dimensionless constants, cosmology, and other dark matters
M Tegmark, A Aguirre, MJ Rees, F Wilczek
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 73 (2), 023505, 2006
Intergalactic dust and observations of type Ia supernovae
A Aguirre
The Astrophysical Journal 525 (2), 583, 1999
Metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium in cosmological simulations
A Aguirre, L Hernquist, J Schaye, N Katz, DH Weinberg, J Gardner
The Astrophysical Journal 561 (2), 521, 2001
Dust versus cosmic acceleration
AN Aguirre
The Astrophysical Journal 512 (1), L19, 1998
Metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium at z= 3 by galactic winds
A Aguirre, L Hernquist, J Schaye, DH Weinberg, N Katz, J Gardner
The Astrophysical Journal 560 (2), 599, 2001
Problems for modified Newtonian dynamics in clusters and the Lyα forest?
A Aguirre, J Schaye, E Quataert
The Astrophysical Journal 561 (2), 550, 2001
Metallicity of the Intergalactic Medium Using Pixel Statistics. III. Silicon
A Aguirre, J Schaye, TS Kim, T Theuns, M Rauch, WLW Sargent
The Astrophysical Journal 602 (1), 38, 2004
Information transmission between financial markets in Chicago and New York
G Laughlin, A Aguirre, J Grundfest
Financial Review 49 (2), 283-312, 2014
The origin of metals in the circumgalactic medium of massive galaxies at z= 3
S Shen, P Madau, A Aguirre, J Guedes, L Mayer, J Wadsley
The Astrophysical Journal 760 (1), 50, 2012
Gearing up for the 21st century space race
D Bhattacherjee, W Aqeel, IN Bozkurt, A Aguirre, B Chandrasekaran, ...
Proceedings of the 17th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 113-119, 2018
Cosmological Constant or Intergalactic Dust? Constraints from theCosmic Far-Infrared Background
A Aguirre, Z Haiman
The Astrophysical Journal 532 (1), 28, 2000
Metallicity of the intergalactic medium using pixel statistics. IV. Oxygen
A Aguirre, C Dow-Hygelund, J Schaye, T Theuns
The Astrophysical Journal 689 (2), 851, 2008
The missing metals problem–III. How many metals are expelled from galaxies?
N Bouché, MD Lehnert, A Aguirre, C Péroux, J Bergeron
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 378 (2), 525-540, 2007
Towards observable signatures of other bubble universes
A Aguirre, MC Johnson, A Shomer
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 76 (6), 063509, 2007
Inflation without a beginning: A null boundary proposal
A Aguirre, S Gratton
Physical Review D 67 (8), 083515, 2003
Cold big-bang cosmology as a counterexample to several anthropic arguments
A Aguirre
Physical Review D 64 (8), 083508, 2001
Steady-state eternal inflation
A Aguirre, S Gratton
Physical Review D 65 (8), 083507, 2002
Astrophysical constraints on modifying gravity at large distances
A Aguirre, CP Burgess, A Friedland, D Nolte
Classical and Quantum Gravity 18 (23), R223, 2001
Metallicity of the Intergalactic Medium Using Pixel Statistics. I. Method
A Aguirre, J Schaye, T Theuns
The Astrophysical Journal 576 (1), 1, 2002
論文 1–20