Technology choice and capacity portfolios under emissions regulation D Drake, PR Kleindorfer, LN Van Wassenhove Production and Operations Management 25 (6), 1006-1025, 2016 | 500 | 2016 |
OM Forum-Sustainable Operations Management: An Enduring Stream or a Passing Fancy? DF Drake, S Spinler Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15 (4), 689-700, 2013 | 253 | 2013 |
Carbon tariffs: Effects in settings with technology choice and foreign production cost advantage DF Drake Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20 (4), 667-686, 2018 | 128* | 2018 |
Observation bias: The impact of demand censoring on newsvendor level and adjustment behavior N Rudi, D Drake Management Science 60 (5), 1334-1345, 2014 | 126* | 2014 |
The impact of poverty on base of the pyramid operations: Evidence from mobile money in Africa K Balasubramanian, D Drake, G Urrea Journal of Operations Management, 2022 | 49* | 2022 |
Show or Tell? Improving Inventory Support for Agent-Based Businesses at the Base of the Pyramid J Acimovic, C Parker, D F. Drake, K Balasubramanian Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020 | 49* | 2020 |
Collaborative innovation for sustainable fleet operations: The electric vehicle adoption decision V Chocteau, D Drake, PR Kleindorfer, R Orsato, A Roset INSEAD Working Paper, 2011 | 35* | 2011 |
Ignore, avoid, abandon, and embrace: what drives firm responses to environmental regulation? DF Drake, RL Just Environmentally responsible supply chains, 199-222, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Kicking Ash: Who (or What) is Winning the “War on Coal”? DF Drake, JG York Production and Operations Management 30 (7), 2162-2187, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Mobile Money Operations: Policies for Managing Cash and Digital Currency Inventories in the Developing World K Balasubramanian, DF Drake, J Acimovic, D Fearing Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2023 | 15* | 2023 |
HeidelbergCement: The Baltic Kiln Decision D Drake, PR Kleindorfer, LN Van Wassenhove | 12* | 2014 |
Cycleon (a): Postal networks for reverse logistics DF Drake, A Atasu, LN Van Wassenhove European Case Clearing House Case, 2008 | 3 | 2008 |
Whole Foods: The Path to 1,000 Stores DF Drake, RW Buell, M Barton, T Jones, K Keverian, J Stock | 1 | 2014 |
How Does Flexibility Affect Environmental Performance? Evidence from the Power Generation Industry DF Drake, S Muthulingam Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2024 | | 2024 |
How platforms can help their contract workers make decisions in uncertain environments J Acimovic, C Parker, D Drake, K Balasubramanian LSE Business Review, 2018 | | 2018 |
2016 M&SOM Meritorious Service Award V Agrawal, Y Alan, S Alizamir, O Boyabatli, R Buell, C Chan, L Chu, ... Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 19 (2), 165, 2017 | | 2017 |
Is Cap-and-Trade or Carbon Tax Better for Business? LN Van Wassenhove, DF Drake | | 2016 |
Unilever: Combatting Global Food Waste DF Drake, JH Hammond, MG Preble | | 2015 |
2014 M&SOM Meritorious Service Award C INFORMS | | 2015 |
MSOM Society Student Paper Competition AA Alptekinoglu, G Aydın, O Baron, A Bassamboo, D Beil, O Besbes, ... Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 16 (1), 161-164, 2014 | | 2014 |