A current overview of consumer neuroscience M Hubert, P Kenning Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review 7 (4‐5), 272-292, 2008 | 661 | 2008 |
On the use of neurophysiological tools in IS research: Developing a research agenda for NeuroIS A Dimoka, FD Davis, A Gupta, PA Pavlou, RD Banker, AR Dennis, ... MIS quarterly, 679-702, 2012 | 563 | 2012 |
NeuroEconomics: An overview from an economic perspective P Kenning, H Plassmann Brain research bulletin 67 (5), 343-354, 2005 | 556 | 2005 |
Nonlinear responses within the medial prefrontal cortex reveal when specific implicit information influences economic decision making M Deppe, W Schwindt, H Kugel, H Plassmann, P Kenning Journal of neuroimaging 15 (2), 171-182, 2005 | 513 | 2005 |
Are there neural gender differences in online trust? An fMRI study on the perceived trustworthiness of eBay offers. R Riedl, M Hubert, P Kenning MIS quarterly 34 (2), 2010 | 506 | 2010 |
Debt out of control: The links between self-control, compulsive buying, and real debts A Achtziger, M Hubert, P Kenning, G Raab, L Reisch Journal of economic psychology 49, 141-149, 2015 | 428 | 2015 |
Employer brand trust and affect: linking brand personality to employer brand attractiveness LV Rampl, P Kenning European journal of marketing 48 (1/2), 218-236, 2014 | 405 | 2014 |
Handelsmarketing D Ahlert, P Kenning, C Brock Springer-Verlag, 2007 | 314 | 2007 |
Applications of functional magnetic resonance imaging for market research P Kenning, H Plassmann, D Ahlert Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 10 (2), 135-152, 2007 | 304 | 2007 |
What can advertisers learn from neuroscience? H Plassmann, T Ambler, S Braeutigam, P Kenning International Journal of Advertising 26 (2), 151-175, 2007 | 300 | 2007 |
What they see is what they get? An fMRI‐study on neural correlates of attractive packaging M Stoll, S Baecke, P Kenning Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review 7 (4‐5), 342-359, 2008 | 271 | 2008 |
On the foundations of NeuroIS: Reflections on the Gmunden Retreat 2009 R Riedl, RD Banker, I Benbasat, FD Davis, AR Dennis, A Dimoka, ... Communications of the Association for Information Systems 27 (1), 15, 2010 | 234 | 2010 |
Trusting humans and avatars: A brain imaging study based on evolution theory R Riedl, PNC Mohr, PH Kenning, FD Davis, HR Heekeren Journal of Management Information Systems 30 (4), 83-114, 2014 | 221 | 2014 |
Social discounting involves modulation of neural value signals by temporoparietal junction T Strombach, B Weber, Z Hangebrauk, P Kenning, II Karipidis, PN Tobler, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (5), 1619-1624, 2015 | 217 | 2015 |
Evidence for a neural correlate of a framing effect: Bias-specific activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex during credibility judgments M Deppe, W Schwindt, J Kraemer, H Kugel, H Plassmann, P Kenning, ... Brain research bulletin 67 (5), 413-421, 2005 | 209 | 2005 |
Consumer trial, continuous use, and economic benefits of a retail service innovation: The case of the personal shopping assistant H Evanschitzky, GR Iyer, KG Pillai, P Kenning, R Schütte Journal of product innovation management 32 (3), 459-475, 2015 | 208 | 2015 |
Consumer neuroscience: An overview of an emerging discipline with implications for consumer policy. P Kenning, M Linzmajer Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 6 (1), 2011 | 199 | 2011 |
Markenmanagement im Handel: Von der Handelsmarkenführung zum integrierten Markenmanagement in Distributionsnetzen Strategien—Konzepte—Praxisbeispiele D Ahlert, P Kenning, D Schneider Springer-Verlag, 2013 | 179 | 2013 |
The influence of general trust and specific trust on buying behaviour P Kenning International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 36 (6), 461-476, 2008 | 176 | 2008 |
Consumer trust in food retailers: conceptual framework and empirical evidence L Viktoria Rampl, T Eberhardt, R Schütte, P Kenning International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 40 (4), 254-272, 2012 | 171 | 2012 |