Nina Golyandina | Н.Э. Голяндина
Nina Golyandina | Н.Э. Голяндина
St.Petersburg State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Statistical Modelling
確認したメール アドレス: spbu.ru
Analysis of Time Series Structure: SSA and related techniques
N Golyandina, V Nekrutkin, A Zhigljavsky
CRC Press, 2001
Singular spectrum analysis with R
N Golyandina, A Korobeynikov, A Zhigljavsky
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018
Метод "Гусеница"-SSA: анализ временных рядов
НЭ Голяндина
ВВМ, 2004
Basic Singular Spectrum Analysis and Forecasting with R
N Golyandina, A Korobeynikov
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 71, 934–954, 2014
On the choice of parameters in Singular Spectrum Analysis and related subspace-based methods
N Golyandina
Statistics and Its Interface 3 (3), 259-279, 2010
The “Caterpillar”-SSA method for analysis of time series with missing values
N Golyandina, E Osipov
Journal of statistical planning and inference 137 (8), 2642-2653, 2007
Multivariate and 2D extensions of singular spectrum analysis with the Rssa package
N Golyandina, A Korobeynikov, A Shlemov, K Usevich
Journal of statisical software 67 (2), 1-78, 2015
SSA-based approaches to analysis and forecast of multidimensional time series
N Golyandina, D Stepanov
proceedings of the 5th St. Petersburg workshop on simulation 2, 293-298, 2005
Automatic extraction and forecast of time series cyclic components within the framework of SSA
T Alexandrov, N Golyandina
Proceedings of the 5th St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, 45-50, 2005
2D-extension of Singular Spectrum Analysis: algorithm and elements of theory
N Golyandina, K Usevich
Matrix Methods: Theory, Algorithms, Applications World Scientific, 449-473, 2010
Particularities and commonalities of singular spectrum analysis as a method of time series analysis and signal processing
N Golyandina
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics 12 (4), e1487, 2020
Variations of singular spectrum analysis for separability improvement: non-orthogonal decompositions of time series
N Golyandina, A Shlemov
Statistics and Its Interface 8 (3), 277-294, 2015
Gene Expression Noise in Spatial Patterning: hunchback Promoter Structure Affects Noise Amplitude and Distribution in Drosophila Segmentation
DM Holloway, FJP Lopes, L da Fontoura Costa, BAN Travençolo, ...
PLoS computational biology 7 (2), e1001069, 2011
Автоматизация выделения трендовых и периодических составляющих временного ряда в рамках метода “Гусеница”–SSA
ФИ Александров, НЭ Голяндина
Exponenta Pro. Математика в приложениях, 54-61, 2004
Singular Spectrum Analysis for Time Series, 2nd Edition.
N Golyandina, A Zhigljavsky
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2020
Filtering of digital terrain models by 2D singular spectrum analysis
N Golyandina, I Florinsky, K Usevich
International Journal of Ecology & Development 8 (F07), 81-94, 2007
Варианты метода” Гусеница”-SSA для анализа многомерных временных рядов
Н Голяндина, В Некруткин, Д Степанов
Труды II Международной конференции” Идентификация систем и задачи управления …, 2003
Singular spectrum analysis of gene expression profiles of early Drosophila embryo: exponential-in-distance patterns
T Alexandrov, N Golyandina, A Spirov
Research letters in signal processing 2008, 12, 2008
Rssa: a collection of methods for singular spectrum analysis
A Korobeynikov, A Shlemov, K Usevich, N Golyandina
R package version 0.13-1, URL http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= Rssa, 2015
Iterative algorithms for weighted and unweighted finite-rank time-series approximations
N Zvonarev, N Golyandina
Statistics and Its Interface 10 (1), 5-18, 2017
論文 1–20