Mirco Scaffardi
Mirco Scaffardi
確認したメール アドレス: cnit.it
A fully photonics-based coherent radar system
P Ghelfi, F Laghezza, F Scotti, G Serafino, A Capria, S Pinna, D Onori, ...
Nature 507 (7492), 341-345, 2014
All-optical regeneration and demultiplexing for 160-Gb/s transmission systems using a NOLM-based three-stage scheme
A Bogoni, P Ghelfi, M Scaffardi, L Potì
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 10 (1), 192-196, 2004
Photonic processing for digital comparison and full addition based on semiconductor optical amplifiers
M Scaffardi, P Ghelfi, E Lazzeri, L Poti, A Bogoni
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 14 (3), 826-833, 2008
OTDM-based optical communications networks at 160 Gbit/s and beyond
A Bogoni, L Poti, P Ghelfi, M Scaffardi, C Porzi, F Ponzini, G Meloni, ...
Optical Fiber Technology 13 (1), 1-12, 2007
Coherent interferometric dual-frequency laser radar for precise range/Doppler measurement
D Onori, F Scotti, M Scaffardi, A Bogoni, F Laghezza
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (20), 4828-4834, 2016
Nonlinear optical loop mirrors: investigation solution and experimental validation for undesirable counterpropagating effects in all-optical signal processing
A Bogoni, M Scaffardi, P Ghelfi, L Poti
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 10 (5), 1115-1123, 2004
Frequency-agile dual-frequency lidar for integrated coherent radar-lidar architectures
V Vercesi, D Onori, F Laghezza, F Scotti, A Bogoni, M Scaffardi
Optics letters 40 (7), 1358-1361, 2015
Photonics in switching: enabling technologies and subsystem design
K Vlachos, C Raffaelli, S Aleksic, N Andriolli, D Apostolopoulos, ...
Journal of Optical Networking 8 (5), 404-428, 2009
Photonic Combinatorial Network for Contention Management in 160 Gb/s-Interconnection Networks Based on All-Optical 22 Switching Elements
M Scaffardi, N Andriolli, G Meloni, G Berrettini, F Fresi, P Castoldi, L Poti, ...
IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 13 (5), 1531-1539, 2007
Modeling and measurement of noisy SOA dynamics for ultrafast applications
A Bogoni, L Potì, C Porzi, M Scaffardi, P Ghelfi, F Ponzini
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 10 (1), 197-205, 2004
A combined radar & lidar system based on integrated photonics in silicon-on-insulator
F Falconi, S Melo, F Scotti, MN Malik, M Scaffardi, C Porzi, L Ansalone, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 (1), 17-23, 2020
All-optical digital circuits exploiting SOA-based loop memories
G Berrettini, AT Nguyen, E Lazzeri, G Meloni, M Scaffardi, L Potì, A Bogoni
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 18 (2), 847-858, 2011
Multi-frequency lidar/radar integrated system for robust and flexible doppler measurements
F Scotti, D Onori, M Scaffardi, E Lazzeri, A Bogoni, F Laghezza
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27 (21), 2268-2271, 2015
Photonics in switching: Architectures, systems and enabling technologies
C Raffaelli, K Vlachos, N Andriolli, D Apostolopoulos, J Buron, ...
Computer Networks 52 (10), 1873-1890, 2008
250-times repetition frequency multiplication for 2.5 THz clock signal generation
G Meloni, G Berrettini, M Scaffardi, A Bogoni, L Poti, M Guglielmucci
Electronics Letters 41 (23), 1294-1295, 2005
High-speed optical WDM-to-TDM conversion using fiber nonlinearities
X Wu, A Bogoni, SR Nuccio, OF Yilmaz, M Scaffardi, AE Willner
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16 (5), 1441-1447, 2010
New optical sampler based on TOAD and data postprocessing for subpicosecond pulse resolution
A Bogoni, F Ponzini, M Scaffardi, P Ghelfi, L Poti
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 10 (1), 186-191, 2004
Optical analogue to digital converter
A Bogoni, F Fresi, E Lazzeri, M Scaffardi, L Poti
US Patent 8,514,115, 2013
Optical digital signal processing in a single SOA without assist probe light
C Porzi, M Scaffardi, L Poti, A Bogoni
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16 (5), 1469-1475, 2010
Ultrafast all-optical ADD-DROP multiplexer based on 1-m-long bismuth oxide-based highly nonlinear fiber
G Meloni, M Scaffardi, P Ghelfi, A Bogoni, L Potì, N Calabretta
IEEE photonics technology letters 17 (12), 2661-2663, 2005
論文 1–20