Zheguang Zhao
Zheguang Zhao
Univeristy of Melbourne
確認したメール アドレス: alumni.brown.edu - ホームページ
Data tiering in heterogeneous memory systems
SR Dulloor, A Roy, Z Zhao, N Sundaram, N Satish, R Sankaran, ...
Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Computer Systems, 1-16, 2016
Investigating the effect of the multiple comparisons problem in visual analysis
E Zgraggen, Z Zhao, R Zeleznik, T Kraska
Proceedings of the 2018 chi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
Controlling false discoveries during interactive data exploration
Z Zhao, L De Stefani, E Zgraggen, C Binnig, E Upfal, T Kraska
Proceedings of the 2017 acm international conference on management of data …, 2017
Bridging the gap between HPC and big data frameworks
M Anderson, S Smith, N Sundaram, M Capotă, Z Zhao, S Dulloor, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 10 (8), 901-912, 2017
Benchmarking the second generation of intel sgx hardware
M El-Hindi, T Ziegler, M Heinrich, A Lutsch, Z Zhao, C Binnig
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Data Management on New …, 2022
Toward Sustainable Insights, or Why Polygamy is Bad for You.
C Binnig, L De Stefani, T Kraska, E Upfal, E Zgraggen, Z Zhao
CIDR, 2017
Larger-than-memory data management on modern storage hardware for in-memory OLTP database systems
L Ma, J Arulraj, S Zhao, A Pavlo, SR Dulloor, MJ Giardino, J Parkhurst, ...
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Data Management on New …, 2016
Vistrees: fast indexes for interactive data exploration
M El-Hindi, Z Zhao, C Binnig, T Kraska
Proceedings of the Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics, 1-6, 2016
An optimal relational database encryption scheme
S Kamara, T Moataz, S Zdonik, Z Zhao
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2020
Encrypted Databases: From Theory to Systems.
Z Zhao, S Kamara, T Moataz, S Zdonik
CIDR, 2021
Safe visual data exploration
Z Zhao, E Zgraggen, L De Stefani, C Binnig, E Upfal, T Kraska
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data …, 2017
Dynamic Query Refinement for Interactive Data Exploration.
A Kalinin, U Cetintemel, Z Zhao, SB Zdonik, A Bonifati, Y Zhou, ...
EDBT, 49-60, 2020
ACID-V: Towards a New Class of DBMSs for Data Sharing
M El-Hindi, Z Zhao, C Binnig
Heterogeneous Data Management, Polystores, and Analytics for Healthcare …, 2021
Towards Decentralized Parameter Servers for Secure Federated Learning.
M El-Hindi, Z Zhao, C Binnig
DATA, 257-269, 2022
Data engineering
A Parameswarany, AD Sarma, V Venkataramani, O Papaemmanouil, ...
ACM, 2018
Towards a Benchmark for Interactive Data Exploration.
P Eichmann, E Zgraggen, Z Zhao, C Binnig, T Kraska
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 39 (4), 50-61, 2016
Towards Sustainable Insights
CBL De Stefani, T Kraska, E Upfal, EZZ Zhao
論文 1–17