Katarina Valaskova
Katarina Valaskova
確認したメール アドレス: uniza.sk
Bankruptcy prevention: new effort to reflect on legal and social changes
T Kliestik, M Misankova, K Valaskova, L Svabova
Science and Engineering Ethics 24, 791-803, 2018
Remaining financially healthy and competitive: The role of financial predictors.
T Kliestik, K Valaskova, G Lazaroiu, M Kovacova, J Vrbka
Journal of Competitiveness, 2020
Management of financial risks in Slovak enterprises using regression analysis
K Valaskova, T Kliestik, M Kovacova
Oeconomia copernicana 9 (1), 105-121, 2018
Systematic review of variables applied in bankruptcy prediction models of Visegrad group countries
M Kovacova, T Kliestik, K Valaskova, P Durana, Z Juhaszova
Oeconomia Copernicana 10 (4), 743-772, 2019
Changes in consumers’ purchase patterns as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic
K Valaskova, P Durana, P Adamko
Mathematics 9 (15), 1788, 2021
Advanced methods of earnings management: Monotonic trends and change-points under spotlight in the Visegrad countries
T Kliestik, K Valaskova, E Nica, M Kovacova, G Lazaroiu
Oeconomia Copernicana 11 (2), 371-400, 2020
Financial risk measurement and prediction modelling for sustainable development of business entities using regression analysis
K Valaskova, T Kliestik, L Svabova, P Adamko
Sustainability 10 (7), 2144, 2018
The power of human–machine collaboration: Artificial intelligence, business automation, and the smart economy
C Bolton, V Machová, M Kovacova, K Valaskova
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 13 (4), 51-56, 2018
Machine intelligence and autonomous robotic technologies in the corporate context of SMEs: Deep learning and virtual simulation algorithms, cyber-physical production networks …
M Nagy, G Lăzăroiu, K Valaskova
Applied Sciences 13 (3), 1681, 2023
Earnings management in V4 countries: the evidence of earnings smoothing and inflating
T Kliestik, J Belas, K Valaskova, E Nica, P Durana
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 34 (1), 1452-1470, 2021
Consumer perception of private label products: An empirical research
K Valaskova, J Kliestikova, A Krizanova
Journal of competitiveness 10 (3), 149, 2018
Industry 4.0 wireless networks and cyber-physical smart manufacturing systems as accelerators of value-added growth in Slovak exports
K Valaskova, M Nagy, S Zabojnik, G Lăzăroiu
Mathematics 10 (14), 2452, 2022
Consumer attitudes and behaviors in the technology-driven sharing economy: Motivations for participating in collaborative consumption
S Graessley, J Horak, M Kovacova, K Valaskova, M Poliak
Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 7 (1), 25-30, 2019
Scaring ourselves to death in the time of COVID-19: pandemic awareness, virus anxiety, and contagious fear
G Lăzăroiu, J Horak, K Valaskova
Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 19, 114-120, 2020
Artificial intelligence data-driven internet of things systems, real-time advanced analytics, and cyber-physical production networks in sustainable smart manufacturing
P Durana, N Perkins, K Valaskova
Econ. Manag. Financ. Mark 16 (1), 20-30, 2021
Multi criteria models used in Slovak consumer market for business decision making
K Valaskova, K Kramarova, V Bartosova
Procedia Economics and Finance 26, 174-182, 2015
Augmented reality shopping experiences, retail business analytics, and machine vision algorithms in the virtual economy of the metaverse
GH Popescu, K Valaskova, J Horak
Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 10 (2), 67-81, 2022
Virtual marketplace dynamics data, spatial analytics, and customer engagement tools in a real-time interoperable decentralized metaverse
K Valaskova, V Machova, E Lewis
Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 21, 105-120, 2022
Distinctive determinants of financial indebtedness: Evidence from Slovak and Czech enterprises
K Valaskova, T Kliestik, D Gajdosikova
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy 16 (3), 639-659, 2021
Predicting financial distress of slovak enterprises: Comparison of selected traditional and learning algorithms methods
E Gregova, K Valaskova, P Adamko, M Tumpach, J Jaros
Sustainability 12 (10), 3954, 2020
論文 1–20