John Rybczyk
John Rybczyk
Department of Environmental Science, Western Washington University
確認したメール アドレス: wwu.edu - ホームページ
Numerical models of salt marsh evolution: Ecological, geomorphic, and climatic factors
S Fagherazzi, ML Kirwan, SM Mudd, GR Guntenspergen, S Temmerman, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 50 (1), 2012
Mass tree mortality leads to mangrove peat collapse at Bay Islands, Honduras after Hurricane Mitch
DR Cahoon, P Hensel, J Rybczyk, KL McKee, CE Proffitt, BC Perez
Journal of ecology 91 (6), 1093-1105, 2003
Soil accretionary dynamics, sea-level rise and the survival of wetlands in Venice Lagoon: a field and modelling approach
JW Day Jr, J Rybczyk, F Scarton, A Rismondo, D Are, G Cecconi
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 49 (5), 607-628, 1999
The use of wetlands in the Mississippi Delta for wastewater assimilation: a review
JW Day Jr, JY Ko, J Rybczyk, D Sabins, R Bean, G Berthelot, C Brantley, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 47 (11-12), 671-691, 2004
Estimating the potential for submergence for two wetlands in the Mississippi River Delta
JM Rybczyk, DR Cahoon
Estuaries 25, 985-998, 2002
A relative elevation model for a subsiding coastal forested wetland receiving wastewater effluent
JM Rybczyk, JC Callaway, JW Day Jr
Ecological Modelling 112 (1), 23-44, 1998
Forecasting the effects of coastal protection and restoration projects on wetland morphology in coastal Louisiana under multiple environmental uncertainty scenarios
BR Couvillion, GD Steyer, H Wang, HJ Beck, JM Rybczyk
Journal of Coastal Research, 29-50, 2013
The impact of wastewater effluent on accretion and decomposition in a subsiding forested wetland
JM Rybczyk, JW Day, WH Conner
Wetlands 22 (1), 18-32, 2002
A synthesis of blue carbon stocks, sources and accumulation rates in eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows in the Northeast Pacific
C Prentice, KL Poppe, M Lutz, E Murray, TA Stephens, A Spooner, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2020
Effects of long-term municipal effluent discharge on the nutrient dynamics, productivity, and benthic community structure of a tidal freshwater forested wetland in Louisiana
JW Day Jr, A Westphal, R Pratt, E Hyfield, J Rybczyk, GP Kemp, JN Day, ...
ecological engineering 27 (3), 242-257, 2006
Denitrification in a South Louisiana wetland forest receiving treated sewage effluent
RG Boustany, CR Crozier, JM Rybczyk, RR Twilley
Wetlands Ecology and Management 4, 273-283, 1996
Forecasting landscape effects of Mississippi River diversions on elevation and accretion in Louisiana deltaic wetlands under future environmental uncertainty scenarios
H Wang, GD Steyer, BR Couvillion, JM Rybczyk, HJ Beck, WJ Sleavin, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 138, 57-68, 2014
An economic analysis of using wetlands for treatment of shrimp processing wastewater—a case study in Dulac, LA
L Cardoch, JW Day Jr, JM Rybczyk, GP Kemp
Ecological Economics 33 (1), 93-101, 2000
Sea level rise and eelgrass (Zostera marina) production: A spatially explicit relative elevation model for Padilla Bay, WA
PA Kairis, JM Rybczyk
Ecological Modelling 221 (7), 1005-1016, 2010
A water chemistry assessment of wastewater remediation in a natural swamp
X Zhang, SE Feagley, JW Day, WH Conner, ID Hesse, JM Rybczyk, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 29 (6), 1960-1968, 2000
Coastal Blue Carbon Opportunity Assessment for the Snohomish Estuary: The Climate Benefits of Estuary Restoration.
S Crooks, S., Rybczyk, J., O’Connell, K., Devier, D.L., Poppe, K., Emmett-Mattox
Report by Environmental Science Associates, Western Washington University …, 2014
Global change impacts on the future of coastal systems: perverse interactions among climate change, ecosystem degradation, energy scarcity, and population
JW Day, JM Rybczyk
Coasts and Estuaries, 621-639, 2019
Using Natural Wetlands for Municipal Effluent Assimilation: A Half-Century of Experience for the Mississippi River Delta and Surrounding Environs
RG Hunter, JW Day, RR Lane, GP Shaffer, JN Day, WH Conner, ...
Multifunctional Wetlands, 15-81, 2018
Pacific Coast tidal wetlands
JC Callaway, AB Borde, HL Diefenderfer, VT Parker, JM Rybczyk, ...
Wetland habitats of North America: ecology and conservation concerns, 103-116, 2012
Nutrient enrichment and decomposition in wetland ecosystems: models, analyses and effects
JM Rybczyk, G Garson, JW Day Jr
Current topics in wetland biogeochemistry 2, 52-72, 1996
論文 1–20