Clare E Palmer
Clare E Palmer
Director of Evidence Generation, ieso Digital Health
確認したメール アドレス: iesohealth.com
Meaningful associations in the adolescent brain cognitive development study
AS Dick, DA Lopez, AL Watts, S Heeringa, C Reuter, H Bartsch, CC Fan, ...
NeuroImage 239, 118262, 2021
Going at the heart of social cognition: is there a role for interoception in self-other distinction?
CE Palmer, M Tsakiris
Current opinion in psychology 24, 21-26, 2018
Alexithymia mediates the relationship between interoceptive sensibility and anxiety
ER Palser, CE Palmer, A Galvez-Pol, R Hannah, A Fotopoulou, JM Kilner
PloS one 13 (9), e0203212, 2018
Baseline brain function in the preadolescents of the ABCD Study
B Chaarani, S Hahn, N Allgaier, S Adise, MM Owens, AC Juliano, ...
Nature neuroscience 24 (8), 1176-1186, 2021
Correspondence between perceived pubertal development and hormone levels in 9-10 year-olds from the adolescent brain cognitive development study
MM Herting, KA Uban, MR Gonzalez, FC Baker, EC Kan, WK Thompson, ...
Frontiers in Endocrinology 11, 549928, 2021
Sensorimotor beta power reflects the precision-weighting afforded to sensory prediction errors
CE Palmer, R Auksztulewicz, S Ondobaka, JM Kilner
Neuroimage 200, 59-71, 2019
Demographic and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Updates and age-related trajectories
DM Barch, MD Albaugh, A Baskin-Sommers, BE Bryant, DB Clark, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 52, 101031, 2021
Physiological and perceptual sensory attenuation have different underlying neurophysiological correlates
CE Palmer, M Davare, JM Kilner
Journal of neuroscience 36 (42), 10803-10812, 2016
Vertex-wise multivariate genome-wide association study identifies 780 unique genetic loci associated with cortical morphology
AA Shadrin, T Kaufmann, D van der Meer, CE Palmer, C Makowski, ...
Neuroimage 244, 118603, 2021
Positive economic, psychosocial, and physiological ecologies predict brain structure and cognitive performance in 9–10-year-old children
MR Gonzalez, CE Palmer, KA Uban, TL Jernigan, WK Thompson, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 14, 578822, 2020
A new framework to explain sensorimotor beta oscillations
C Palmer, L Zapparoli, JM Kilner
Trends in cognitive sciences 20 (5), 321-323, 2016
Responsible use of open-access developmental data: The adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) study
C Simmons, MI Conley, DG Gee, A Baskin-Sommers, DM Barch, ...
Psychological science 32 (6), 866-870, 2021
Microstructural development from 9 to 14 years: Evidence from the ABCD Study
CE Palmer, D Pecheva, JR Iversen, DJ Hagler Jr, L Sugrue, P Nedelec, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 53, 101044, 2022
Anticipatory neural dynamics of spatial-temporal orienting of attention in younger and older adults
SG Heideman, G Rohenkohl, JJ Chauvin, CE Palmer, F van Ede, ...
NeuroImage 178, 46-56, 2018
Rates of incidental findings in brain magnetic resonance imaging in children
Y Li, WK Thompson, C Reuter, R Nillo, T Jernigan, A Dale, LP Sugrue, ...
JAMA neurology 78 (5), 578-587, 2021
Substance use patterns in 9-10 year olds: Baseline findings from the adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) study
KM Lisdahl, S Tapert, KJ Sher, R Gonzalez, SJ Nixon, SWF Ewing, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 227, 108946, 2021
Individual differences in cognitive performance are better predicted by global rather than localized BOLD activity patterns across the cortex
W Zhao, CE Palmer, WK Thompson, B Chaarani, HP Garavan, BJ Casey, ...
Cerebral Cortex 31 (3), 1478-1488, 2021
Meaningful associations in the adolescent brain cognitive development study. NeuroImage, 239, Article 118262
AS Dick, DA Lopez, AL Watts, S Heeringa, C Reuter, H Bartsch, CC Fan, ...
A causal role for primary motor cortex in perception of observed actions
CE Palmer, KL Bunday, M Davare, JM Kilner
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 28 (12), 2021-2029, 2016
Association of outdoor ambient fine particulate matter with intracellular white matter microstructural properties among children
E Burnor, D Cserbik, DL Cotter, CE Palmer, H Ahmadi, SP Eckel, ...
JAMA Network Open 4 (12), e2138300-e2138300, 2021
論文 1–20