Guillaume Hervet
Guillaume Hervet
確認したメール アドレス: em-lyon.com
Is banner blindness genuine? Eye tracking internet text advertising
G Hervet, K Guérard, S Tremblay, MS Chtourou
Applied cognitive psychology 25 (5), 708-716, 2011
Competitive advertising strategies for programmatic television
IA Guitart, G Hervet, S Gelper
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 48, 753-775, 2020
Creativity chains and playing in the crossfire on the video‐sharing site YouTube
C Boulaire, G Hervet, R Graf
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 4 (2), 111-141, 2010
Using eye-tracking to understand the impact of multitasking on memory for banner ads: the role of attention to the ad
IA Guitart, G Hervet, D Hildebrand
International Journal of Advertising 38 (1), 154-170, 2019
The impact of contextual television ads on online conversions: An application in the insurance industry
IA Guitart, G Hervet
International Journal of Research in Marketing 34 (2), 480-498, 2017
Decision analysis using policy capturing and process tracing techniques in a simulated naval air-defense task
D Lafond, J Champagne, G Hervet, JF Gagnon, S Tremblay, R Rousseau
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 53 …, 2009
Entretien de groupe dans Second Life
G Hervet, L El Kamel, B Rigaux-Bricmont
Recherches qualitatives 29 (1), 69-98, 2010
Increasing the effectiveness of display social media ads for startups: The role of different claims and executional characteristics
G Hervet, IA Guitart
Journal of Business Research 153, 467-478, 2022
Dynamic Cognition as Revealed by Eye Tracking
F Vachon, G Hervet, BR Valliéres, S Tremblay
Tobii Eye Tracking Conference on Behavioral Research. Frankfurt, Germany, 2011
Attention visuelle envers la publicité sur Internet: mesures & conséquences
G Hervet
Université Laval, 2007
L’enchantement d’une cause sur le web 2.0: le cas de Playing for Change
C Boulaire, L Petitjean, G Hervet
論文 1–11