Letizia Mortara
Unlocking value for a circular economy through 3D printing: A research agenda
M Despeisse, M Baumers, P Brown, F Charnley, SJ Ford, A Garmulewicz, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 115, 75-84, 2017
How do large multinational companies implement open innovation?
L Mortara, T Minshall
Technovation 31 (10-11), 586-597, 2011
Whole-genome sequencing coupled to imputation discovers genetic signals for anthropometric traits
I Tachmazidou, D Süveges, JL Min, GRS Ritchie, J Steinberg, K Walter, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 100 (6), 865-884, 2017
Understanding the human side of openness: the fit between open innovation modes and CEO characteristics
JM Ahn, T Minshall, L Mortara
R&D Management 47 (5), 727-740, 2017
Digital transformation, for better or worse: a critical multi‐level research agenda
J Dąbrowska, A Almpanopoulou, A Brem, H Chesbrough, V Cucino, ...
R&D Management 52 (5), 930-954, 2022
Open innovation: a new classification and its impact on firm performance in innovative SMEs
JM Ahn, T Minshall, L Mortara
Journal of Innovation Management 3 (2), 33-54, 2015
A conceptual model for technology intelligence
CIV Kerr, L Mortara, R Phaal, DR Probert
International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning 2 (1), 73-93, 2006
Beyond absorptive capacity in open innovation process: the relationships between openness, capacities and firm performance
JM Ahn, Y Ju, TH Moon, T Minshall, D Probert, SY Sohn, L Mortara
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 28 (9), 1009-1028, 2016
Making “asymmetric” partnerships work
T Minshall, L Mortara, R Valli, D Probert
Research-Technology Management 53 (3), 53-63, 2010
How to implement open innovation: Lessons from studying large multinational companies
L Mortara, JJ Napp, I Slacik, T Minshall
University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing, 2009
Do government R&D subsidies stimulate collaboration initiatives in private firms?
JM Ahn, W Lee, L Mortara
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 151, 119840, 2020
The emergence of additive manufacturing: introduction to the special issue
S Ford, L Mortara, T Minshall
Elsevier BV, 2016
Economic implications of additive manufacturing and the contribution of MIS
F Thiesse, M Wirth, HG Kemper, M Moisa, D Morar, H Lasi, F Piller, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 57, 139-148, 2015
Leveraging open innovation to improve society: past achievements and future trajectories
JM Ahn, N Roijakkers, R Fini, L Mortara
R&D Management 49 (3), 267-278, 2019
Through entrepreneurs’ eyes: the Fab-spaces constellation
L Mortara, NG Parisot
International Journal of Production Research 54 (23), 7158-7180, 2016
Idea Competitions under scrutiny: Acquisition, intelligence or public relations mechanism?
L Mortara, SJ Ford, M Jaeger
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80 (8), 1563-1578, 2013
Exploring potential R&D collaboration partners through patent analysis based on bibliographic coupling and latent semantic analysis
I Park, Y Jeong, B Yoon, L Mortara
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 27 (7), 759-781, 2015
The effects of open innovation on firm performance: a capacity approach
JM Ahn, L Mortara, T Minshall
STI Policy Review 4 (1), 79-93, 2013
Deriving technology intelligence from patents: Preposition-based semantic analysis
J An, K Kim, L Mortara, S Lee
Journal of Informetrics 12 (1), 217-236, 2018
Technology intelligence practice in UK technology-based companies
L Mortara, CIV Kerr, R Phaal, DR Probert
International Journal of Technology Management 48 (1), 115-135, 2009
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