Rami Melhem
Rami Melhem
確認したメール アドレス: cs.pitt.edu - ホームページ
Power-aware scheduling for periodic real-time tasks
H Aydin, R Melhem, D Mossé, P Mejía-Alvarez
IEEE Transactions on computers 53 (5), 584-600, 2004
Dynamic and aggressive scheduling techniques for power-aware real-time systems
H Aydin, R Melhem, D Mossé, P Mejia-Alvarez
Proceedings 22nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2001)(Cat. No …, 2001
Scheduling with dynamic voltage/speed adjustment using slack reclamation in multiprocessor real-time systems
D Zhu, R Melhem, BR Childers
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 14 (7), 686-700, 2003
The effects of energy management on reliability in real-time embedded systems
D Zhu, R Melhem, D Mossé
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design, 2004. ICCAD-2004 …, 2004
Introduction to parallel computing
R Melhem
Optimal reward-based scheduling for periodic real-time tasks
H Aydin, R Melhem, D Mossé, P Mejia-Alvarez
IEEE Transactions on Computers 50 (2), 111-130, 2001
Determining optimal processor speeds for periodic real-time tasks with different power characteristics
H Aydin, R Melhem, D Mosse, P Mejia-Alvarez
Proceedings 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 225-232, 2001
Fault-tolerance through scheduling of aperiodic tasks in hard real-time multiprocessor systems
S Ghosh, R Melhem, D Mosse
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and distributed systems 8 (3), 272-284, 1997
Increasing PCM main memory lifetime
AP Ferreira, M Zhou, S Bock, B Childers, R Melhem, D Mossé
2010 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2010 …, 2010
On the feasibility of optical circuit switching for high performance computing systems
KJ Barker, A Benner, R Hoare, A Hoisie, AK Jones, DK Kerbyson, D Li, ...
SC'05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 16-16, 2005
Compiler-assisted dynamic power-aware scheduling for real-time applications
D Mosse
Workshop on Compilers and Operating Systems for Low-Power, 2000, 2000
Energy aware scheduling for distributed real-time systems
R Mishra, N Rastogi, D Zhu, D Mossé, R Melhem
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 9 pp., 2003
The interplay of power management and fault recovery in real-time systems
R Melhem, D Mosse, E Elnozahy
IEEE Transactions on Computers 53 (2), 217-231, 2004
Simultaneous multikernel GPU: Multi-tasking throughput processors via fine-grained sharing
Z Wang, J Yang, R Melhem, B Childers, Y Zhang, M Guo
2016 IEEE international symposium on high performance computer architecture …, 2016
Fault-tolerant rate-monotonic scheduling
S Ghosh, R Melhem, D Mossé, JS Sarma
Real-Time Systems 15 (2), 149-181, 1998
Distributed control protocols for wavelength reservation and their performance evaluation
X Yuan, R Melhem, R Gupta, Y Mei, C Qiao
Photonic Network Communication 1, 207-218, 1999
Time-division optical communications in multiprocessor arrays
C Qiao, RG Melhem
Computers, IEEE Transactions on 42 (5), 577-590, 1993
Multiple-resource periodic scheduling problem: how much fairness is necessary?
D Zhu, D Mossé, R Melhem
RTSS 2003. 24th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2003, 142-151, 2003
Maximizing the system value while satisfying time and energy constraints
CA Rusu, R Melhem, D Mosse
IBM Journal of Research and Development 47 (5.6), 689-702, 2003
Corollaries to Amdahl's law for energy
S Cho, R Melhem
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters 7 (1), 25-28, 2008
論文 1–20