Pedro E. Melín C.
Pedro E. Melín C.
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - University of Bío-Bío
確認したメール アドレス: ubiobio.cl
Design of a discrete-time linear control strategy for a multicell UPQC
JA Muñoz, JR Espinoza, CR Baier, LA Morán, EE Espinosa, PE Melin, ...
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 59 (10), 3797-3807, 2011
All-on-chip dq-frame based D-STATCOM control implementation in a low-cost FPGA
C Sepulveda, J Munoz, J Espinoza, M Figueroa, P Melin
Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 60 (2), 659 - 669, 2013
Digital Implementation of Selective Harmonic Elimination Techniques in Modular Current Source Rectifiers
J Guzman, P Melin, J Espinoza, L Moran, C Baier, J Munoz, G Guinez
Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on 9 (2), 1167 - 1177, 2013
A new modulation method for a 13-level asymmetric inverter toward minimum THD
EE Espinosa, JR Espinoza, PE Melín, RO Ramírez, F Villarroel, JA Muñoz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (3), 1924-1933, 2013
An experimental comparison of Arduino IDE compatible platforms for digital control and data acquisition applications
OE Amestica, PE Melin, CR Duran-Faundez, GR Lagos
2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering …, 2019
Analysis, Design and Control of a Unified Power-Quality Conditioner Based on a Current-Source Topology
PE Melín, JR Espinoza, LA Morán, JR Rodriguez, VM Cardenas, ...
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 27 (4), 1727 - 1736, 2012
FCS-MPC without steady-state error applied to a grid-connected cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter
CR Baier, RO Ramirez, EI Marciel, JC Hernández, PE Melín, EE Espinosa
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (10), 11785-11799, 2021
Model predictive control for power converters in a distorted three-phase power supply
JA Rohten, JR Espinoza, JA Muñoz, MA Pérez, PE Melin, JJ Silva, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (9), 5838-5848, 2016
Predictive controller for a three-phase/single-phase voltage source converter cell
RO Ramírez, JR Espinoza, PE Melin, ME Reyes, EE Espinosa, C Silva, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (3), 1878-1889, 2014
Improving power quality in cascade multilevel converters based on single-phase nonregenerative power cells
CR Baier, JR Espinoza, M Rivera, JA Muñoz, B Wu, PE Melín, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (9), 4498-4509, 2013
Finite-state model predictive control with integral action applied to a single-phase Z-source inverter
RO Ramírez, JR Espinoza, CR Baier, M Rivera, F Villarroel, JI Guzman, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 7 (1), 228-239, 2018
Analysis and design of a control strategy for tracking sinusoidal references in single-phase grid-connected current-source inverters
CR Baier, MA Torres, P Acuna, JA Muñoz, PE Melín, C Restrepo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (1), 819-832, 2017
Enhanced predictive control for a wide time-variant frequency environment
JA Rohten, JR Espinoza, JA Munoz, DG Sbarbaro, MA Perez, PE Melin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (9), 5827-5837, 2016
Predictive current control in a current source inverter operating with low switching frequency
M Rivera, S Kouro, J Rodriguez, B Wu, V Yaramasu, J Espinoza, Melin, P.
Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), 2013 Fourth …, 2013
A novel multi-level converter based on current source power cell
PE Melin, JR Espinoza, NR Zargari, LA Moran, JI Guzman
2008 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2084-2089, 2008
Integration of a large-scale photovoltaic plant using a multilevel converter topology and virtual synchronous generator control
M Torres, J Espinoza, L Moran, J Rohten, P Melín
2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE …, 2014
Analysis and control strategy for a current-source based D-STATCOM towards minimum losses
PE Melin, JI Guzman, FA Hernandez, CR Baier, JA Muñoz, JR Espinoza, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 116, 105532, 2020
Predictive control of a current source rectifier with imposed sinusoidal input currents
P Zavala, M Rivera, S Kouro, J Rodriguez, B Wu, V Yaramasu, C Baier, ...
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
Decoupled control of a unified power quality conditioner based on a current source topology for fast AC mains disturbance compensation
PE Melín, JR Espinoza, JA Muñoz, CR Baier, EE Espinosa
2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 730-736, 2010
Current-source cascaded multilevel converters based on single-phase power cells
CR Baier, PE Melin, JI Guzman, M Rivera, JA Munoz, J Rothen, ...
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
論文 1–20