Biswadip Shome
Biswadip Shome
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, BITS Pilani
確認したメール アドレス: なし
The literature on enhancement of convective heat and mass transfer
AE Bergles, MK Jensen, B Shome
Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer 4 (1), 1-6, 1996
Mixed convection laminar flow and heat transfer of liquids in isothermal horizontal circular ducts
B Shome, MK Jensen
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (11), 1945-1956, 1995
Modeling of airflow in the pharynx with application to sleep apnea
B Shome, LP Wang, MH Santare, AK Prasad, AZ Szeri, D Roberts
Experimental investigation of laminar flow and heat transfer in internally finned tubes
B Shome, MK Jensen
Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer 4 (1), 1997
Numerical study of oscillating boundary layer flow over a flat plate using k–kL–ω turbulence model
B Shome
International journal of heat and fluid flow 42, 131-138, 2013
Correlations for simultaneously developing laminar flow and heat transfer in a circular tube
B Shome, MK Jensen
International journal of heat and mass transfer 36 (10), 2710-2713, 1993
CFD based prediction of spin power loss of automotive differential system
S Renjith, VK Srinivasa, B Shome
SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles 8 (2015-01-2783), 460-466, 2015
Numerical study of turbulent flow in heated circular tube using transitional shear stress transport turbulence model
B Shome
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 79, 90-102, 2014
Numerical investigation of laminar flow and heat transfer in internally finned tubes
B Shome, MK Jensen
Journal of Enhanced heat transfer 4 (1), 1997
Bibliography on enhancement of convective heat and mass transfer, Report HTL-23
AE Bergles, MK Jensen, B Shome
Heat transfer laboratory, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1995
Development of a three-wire probe for the measurement of Reynolds stresses and heat fluxes in transitional boundary layers
B Shome
Clemson University, 1991
Design of experiments enabled CFD approach for optimizing cooling fan performance
VK Srinivasa, S Renjith, B Shome
SAE Technical Paper, 2014
The literature on enhancement of convective heat and mass transfer
MK Jensen, AE Bergles, B Shome
Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer 4 (1), 1997
Mixed convection laminar flow and heat transfer of liquids in horizontal internally finned tubes
B Shome
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications 33 (1), 65-83, 1998
Experimental and numerical investigation of variable property/mixed convection laminar flow in internally-finned tubes
B Shome
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1995
Trapped Vortex Combustor performance for heavy-duty gas turbines
JM Haynes, D Micka, B Hojnacki, C Russell, J Lipinski, B Shome, ...
Turbo expo: power for land, sea, and air 43130, 31-36, 2008
Literature survey of heat transfer enhancement techniques in refrigeration applications
MK Jensen, B Shome
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Rensselaer …, 1994
One-dimensional solar heat load simulation model for a parked car
A Patil, M Radle, B Shome, S Ramachandran
SAE Technical Paper, 2015
Cavitation prediction in liquid ring pump for aircraft fuel systems by CFD approach
M Radle, B Shome
SAE Technical Paper, 2013
Effect of uncertainties in fluid properties on mixed convection laminar flow and heat transfer in a uniformly heated smooth tube
B Shome
Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A: Applications 35 (8), 875-889, 1999
論文 1–20