Tatas H.P. Brotosudarmo
Tatas H.P. Brotosudarmo
Universitas Kristen Petra
確認したメール アドレス: petra.ac.id - ホームページ
Metal-enhanced fluorescence of chlorophylls in single light-harvesting complexes
S Mackowski, S Wörmke, AJ Maier, THP Brotosudarmo, H Harutyunyan, ...
Nano letters 8 (2), 558-564, 2008
Structures of astaxanthin and their consequences for therapeutic application
THP Brotosudarmo, L Limantara, E Setiyono, Heriyanto
International Journal of Food Science 2020 (1), 2156582, 2020
Analysis on the chlorophyll content of commercial green leafy vegetables
L Limantara, M Dettling, R Indrawati, THP Brotosudarmo
Procedia Chemistry 14, 225-231, 2015
Ragam metode ekstraksi karotenoid dari sumber tumbuhan dalam dekade terakhir (telaah literatur)
HS Maleta, R Indrawati, L Limantara, THP Brotosudarmo
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan 13 (1), 40-50, 2018
Single-molecule spectroscopy reveals that individual low-light LH2 complexes from Rhodopseudomonas palustris 2.1. 6. have a heterogeneous polypeptide composition
THP Brotosudarmo, R Kunz, P Böhm, AT Gardiner, V Moulisová, ...
Biophysical journal 97 (5), 1491-1500, 2009
Artificial photosynthesis–solar fuels: current status and future prospects
RJ Cogdell, THP Brotosudarmo, AT Gardiner, PM Sanchez, L Cronin
Biofuels 1 (6), 861-876, 2010
Monitoring fluorescence of individual chromophores in peridinin–chlorophyll–protein complex using single molecule spectroscopy
S Wörmke, S Mackowski, THP Brotosudarmo, C Jung, A Zumbusch, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1767 (7), 956-964, 2007
Fluorescence enhancement of light-harvesting complex 2 from purple bacteria coupled to spherical gold nanoparticles
Ł Bujak, N Czechowski, D Piatkowski, R Litvin, S Mackowski, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (17), 2011
An Indonesian Marine Bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas rubra, Produces Antimicrobial Prodiginine Pigments
E Setiyono, MAS Adhiwibawa, R Indrawati, MNU Prihastyanti, Y Shioi, ...
ACS omega 5 (9), 4626-4635, 2020
The light intensity under which cells are grown controls the type of peripheral light-harvesting complexes that are assembled in a purple photosynthetic bacterium
RJ Brotosudarmo, T.H.P., Collins, A.M., Gall, A
Biochemical Journal 440, 51-61, 2011
A comparative look at the first few milliseconds of the light reactions of photosynthesis
RJ Cogdell, AT Gardiner, H Hashimoto, THP Brotosudarmo
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 7 (10), 1150-1158, 2008
Tracking energy transfer between light harvesting complex 2 and 1 in photosynthetic membranes grown under high and low illumination
L Lüer, V Moulisová, S Henry, D Polli, THP Brotosudarmo, S Hoseinkhani, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (5), 1473-1478, 2012
Absorption enhancement in peridinin–chlorophyll–protein light-harvesting complexes coupled to semicontinuous silver film
N Czechowski, P Nyga, MK Schmidt, THP Brotosudarmo, H Scheer, ...
Plasmonics 7, 115-121, 2012
Peridinin–chlorophyll–protein reconstituted with chlorophyll mixtures: preparation, bulk and single molecule spectroscopy
THP Brotosudarmo, E Hofmann, RG Hiller, S Wörmke, S Mackowski, ...
FEBS letters 580 (22), 5257-5262, 2006
Low light adaptation: energy transfer processes in different types of light harvesting complexes from Rhodopseudomonas palustris
V Moulisová, L Luer, S Hoseinkhani, THP Brotosudarmo, AM Collins, ...
Biophysical journal 97 (11), 3019-3028, 2009
Energy transfer in reconstituted peridinin-chlorophyll-protein complexes: ensemble and single-molecule spectroscopy studies
S Mackowski, S Wörmke, THP Brotosudarmo, C Jung, RG Hiller, ...
Biophysical Journal 93 (9), 3249-3258, 2007
Sulfur-Containing Carotenoids from A Marine Coral Symbiont Erythrobacter flavus Strain KJ5
E Setiyono, Heriyanto, D Pringgenies, Y Shioi, Y Kanesaki, K Awai, ...
Marine drugs 17 (6), 349, 2019
Performance comparison of the convolutional neural network optimizer for photosynthetic pigments prediction on plant digital image
KR Prilianti, THP Brotosudarmo, S Anam, A Suryanto
AIP Conference Proceedings 2084 (1), 2019
Composition of photosynthetic pigments in a red alga Kappaphycus alvarezi cultivated in different depths
L Limantara, THP Brotosudarmo
Procedia Chemistry 14, 193-201, 2015
Analysis of pigment composition of brown seaweeds collected from Panjang Island, Central Java, Indonesia
H Heriyanto, Y Shioi, L Limantara, THP Brotosudarmo
Philippine Journal of Science 146 (3), 323-330, 2017
論文 1–20