Khalid Mahmood
Khalid Mahmood
Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of the Punjab
確認したメール アドレス: pu.edu.pk - ホームページ
From information seeking to information avoidance: Understanding the health information behavior during a global health crisis
SH Soroya, A Farooq, K Mahmood, J Isoaho, S & Zara
Information Processing & Management 58 (2), 2021
Do people overestimate their information literacy skills? A systematic review of empirical evidence on the Dunning-Kruger Effect
K Mahmood
Communications in Information Literacy (CIL) 10 (2), 198-213, 2016
Readiness for online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of Pakistani LIS students
GM Rafique, K Mahmood, NF Warraich, SU Rehman
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 47 (3), 2021
Relationship among leadership style, organizational culture and employee commitment in university libraries
MR Awan, K Mahmood
Library Management, 2010
Promoting in-role and extra-role green behavior through ethical leadership: Mediating role of green HRM and moderating role of individual green values
T Islam, MM Khan, I Ahmed, K Mahmood
International Journal of Manpower 42 (6), 1102-1123, 2021
Adoption of Web 2.0 in US academic libraries: a survey of ARL library websites
K Mahmood, JV Richardson Jr
Program 45 (4), 365-375, 2011
The changing role of librarians in the digital world: adoption of Web 2.0 technologies by Pakistani librarians
M Arif, K Mahmood
The Electronic Library 30 (4), 469-479, 2012
Abusive supervision and knowledge sharing: Moderating roles of Islamic work ethic and learning goal orientation
T Islam, S Ahmad, A Kaleem, K Mahmood
Management Decision 59 (2), 205-222, 2021
Use of electronic information resources and facilities by humanities scholars
M Tahir, K Mahmood, F Shafique
The Electronic Library 28 (1), 122-136, 2010
Internet use among university students: a survey in University of the Punjab, Lahore
S Bashir, K Mahmood, F Shafique
Pakistan Journal of Information Management & Libraries (PJIM&L) 9 (1), 2008
A comparison between needed competencies of academic librarians and LIS curricula in Pakistan
K Mahmood
The Electronic Library 21 (2), 99-109, 2003
Information Needs and Seeking Behavior of Arts and Humanities Teachers. Library Philosophy and Practices. Retrieved December 2008
M Tahir, K Mahmood, F Shafique
eBook readers: user satisfaction and usability issues
JV Richardson Jr, K Mahmood
Library Hi Tech 30 (1), 170-185, 2012
Sustainable development challenges in libraries: A systematic literature review (2000–2020)
A Khalid, GF Malik, K Mahmood
The Journal of academic librarianship 47 (3), 102347, 2021
Library web sites in Pakistan: an analysis of content
S Qutab, K Mahmood
Program 43 (4), 430-445, 2009
Transformation of libraries during Covid-19 pandemic: A systematic review
M Ashiq, F Jabeen, K Mahmood
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 48 (4), 2022
Correlation among top 100 universities in the major six global rankings: policy implications
I Shehatta, K Mahmood
Scientometrics 109, 1231-1254, 2016
Electronic resources and services in Pakistani university libraries: A survey of users' satisfaction
MS Mirza, K Mahmood
The International Information & Library Review 44 (3), 123-131, 2012
Use of bibliometrics in LIS research
MM Naseer, K Mahmood
Library and Information Science Research E-Journal, 2009
ICT training for LIS professionals in Pakistan: A needs assessment
K Mahmood, M Ajmal Khan
Program 41 (4), 418-427, 2007
論文 1–20