Patrick Dular
Patrick Dular
F.R.S.-FNRS - University of Liège
確認したメール アドレス: ulg.ac.be
A general environment for the treatment of discrete problems and its application to the finite element method
P Dular, C Geuzaine, F Henrotte, W Legros
IEEE transactions on magnetics 34 (5), 3395-3398, 1998
Calculation of eddy currents and associated losses in electrical steel laminations
J Gyselinck, L Vandevelde, J Melkebeek, P Dular, F Henrotte, W Legros
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 35 (3), 1191-1194, 1999
A 3-D magnetic vector potential formulation taking eddy currents in lamination stacks into account
P Dular, J Gyselinck, C Geuzaine, N Sadowski, JPA Bastos
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 39 (3), 1424-1427, 2003
A nonlinear time-domain homogenization technique for laminated iron cores in three-dimensional finite-element models
J Gyselinck, RV Sabariego, P Dular
IEEE transactions on magnetics 42 (4), 763-766, 2006
Frequency-domain homogenization of bundles of wires in 2-D magnetodynamic FE calculations
J Gyselinck, P Dular
IEEE transactions on magnetics 41 (5), 1416-1419, 2005
Coupling of local and global quantities in various finite element formulations and its application to electrostatics, magnetostatics and magnetodynamics
P Dular, W Legros, A Nicolet
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 34 (5), 3078-3081, 1998
Mixed finite elements associated with a collection of tetrahedra, hexahedra and prisms
P Dular, JY Hody, A Nicolet, A Genon, W Legros
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 30 (5), 2980-2983, 1994
GetDP reference manual: the documentation for GetDP, a general environment for the treatment of discrete problems
P Dular, C Geuzaine
Harmonic-balance finite-element modeling of electromagnetic devices: a novel approach
J Gyselinck, P Dular, C Geuzaine, W Legros
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 38 (2), 521-524, 2002
A time-domain homogenization technique for laminated iron cores in 3-D finite-element models
J Gyselinck, P Dular
IEEE transactions on magnetics 40 (2), 856-859, 2004
Gmsh: a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
C Geuzaine, JF Remacle, P Dular
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 79 (11), 1309-1331, 2009
A general and natural method to define circuit relations associated with magnetic vector potential formulations
P Dular, F Henrotte, W Legros
IEEE transactions on magnetics 35 (3), 1630-1633, 1999
A Galerkin projection method for mixed finite elements
C Geuzaine, B Meys, F Henrotte, P Dular, W Legros
IEEE transactions on magnetics 35 (3), 1438-1441, 1999
Incorporation of a Jiles‐Atherton vector hysteresis model in 2D FE magnetic field computations: Application of the Newton‐Raphson method
J Gyselinck, P Dular, N Sadowski, J Leite, JPA Bastos
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2004
Time-domain homogenization of windings in 3-D finite element models
RV Sabariego, P Dular, J Gyselinck
IEEE transactions on magnetics 44 (6), 1302-1305, 2008
Dual formulations for the modeling of thin electromagnetic shells using edge elements
C Geuzaine, P Dular, W Legros
IEEE transactions on Magnetics 36 (4), 799-803, 2000
Dual magnetodynamic formulations and their source fields associated with massive and stranded inductors
P Dular, P Kuo-Peng, C Geuzaine, N Sadowski, JPA Bastos
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 36 (4), 1293-1299, 2000
Getdp: a general environment for the treatment of discrete problems
P Dular, C Geuzaine
Finite element modelling with transformation techniques
F Henrotte, B Meys, H Hedia, P Dular, W Legros
IEEE transactions on magnetics 35 (3), 1434-1437, 1999
Modélisation du champ magnétique et des courants induits dans des systèmes tridimensionnels non linéaires
P Dular
PQDT-Global, 1996
論文 1–20