Re-inventing air heating: Convenient and comfortable within the frame of the Passive House concept W Feist, J Schnieders, V Dorer, A Haas Energy and Buildings, 2005 | 537 | 2005 |
Passive Houses for different climate zones J Schnieders, W Feist, L Rongen Energy and Buildings 105 (October 2015), 71-87, 2015 | 308 | 2015 |
Passive house planning package 2007 W Feist, R Pfluger, B Kaufmann | 274* | 2007 |
Life cycle energy analysis: Comparison of low-energy house, passiv house, self-sufficient house W Feist Arbeitskries kostengünstige Passivhaüser, 1997 | 140* | 1997 |
CEPHEUS–measurement results from more than 100 dwelling units in passive houses J Schnieders European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy: Summer Study 2003, 2003 | 120 | 2003 |
Das Niedrigenergiehaus W Feist, R Borsch-Laaks, J Werner, T Loga CF Müller, 2007 | 109* | 2007 |
Podstawy budownictwa pasywnego W Feist, U Munzenberg, J Thumulla, SB Darup Polski Instytut Budownictwa Pasywnego, Gdańsk, 2006 | 93 | 2006 |
Thermische Gebäudesimulation: Kritische Prüfung unterschiedlicher Modellansätze W Feist Müller, 1994 | 91 | 1994 |
Grundlagen der Gestaltung von Passivhäusern W Feist | 88* | 1996 |
Energy performance comparison of three innovative HVAC systems for renovation through dynamic simulation M Gustafsson, G Dermentzis, JA Myhren, C Bales, F Ochs, S Holmberg, ... Energy and Buildings 82, 512-519, 2014 | 77 | 2014 |
Passivhäuser in Mitteleuropa W Feist | 62* | 1993 |
Energy efficiency–a key to sustainable housing W Feist, J Schnieders The European Physical Journal Special Topics 176 (1), 141-153, 2009 | 59 | 2009 |
Passive House Planning Package PHPP: Energy Balance and Passive House Design Tool for Quality Approved Passive Houses and EnerPHit Retrofits W Feist Passive House Institute, 2015 | 52 | 2015 |
Passive house planning package 2007: requirements for quality approved passive houses W Feist, R Pfluger, B Kaufmann, J Schnieders, O Kah Passive House Institute, 2007 | 51 | 2007 |
Climate neutral passive house estate in Hannover-Kronsberg: construction and measurement results W Feist, S Peper, O Kah, M von Oesen Rep 18, 19, 2005 | 51* | 2005 |
A comprehensive evaluation of a monthly-based energy auditing tool through dynamic simulations, and monitoring in a renovation case study G Dermentzis, F Ochs, M Gustafsson, T Calabrese, D Siegele, W Feist, ... Energy and Buildings 183, 713-726, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Renovation with an innovative compact heating and ventilation system integrated into the façade–An in-situ monitoring case study G Dermentzis, F Ochs, D Siegele, W Feist Energy and Buildings 165, 451-463, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Minimization of the residual energy demand of multi-storey passive houses–energetic and economic analysis of solar thermal and PV in combination with a heat pump F Ochs, G Dermentzis, W Feist Energy Procedia 48, 1124-1133, 2014 | 41 | 2014 |
Are the energy savings of the passive house standard reliable? A review of the as-built thermal and space heating performance of passive house dwellings from 1990 to 2018 D Johnston, M Siddall, O Ottinger, S Peper, W Feist Energy Efficiency 13 (8), 1605-1631, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |
Standards and policies for very high energy efficiency in the urban building sector towards reaching the 1.5 C target J Grove-Smith, V Aydin, W Feist, J Schnieders, S Thomas Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 30, 103-114, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |