Control theory for partial differential equations I Lasiecka, R Triggiani (No Title), 2000 | 1281 | 2000 |
Non homogeneous boundary value problems for second order hyperbolic operators I Lasiecka, JL Lions, R Triggiani Journal de Mathématiques pures et Appliquées 65 (2), 149-192, 1986 | 657 | 1986 |
Differential and algebraic Riccati equations with application to boundary/point control problems: continuous theory and approximation theory I Lasiecka, R Triggiani Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991 | 502 | 1991 |
Proof of extensions of two conjectures on structural damping for elastic systems SP Chen, R Triggiani Pacific Journal of Mathematics 136 (1), 15-55, 1989 | 456 | 1989 |
On the stabilizability problem in Banach space R Triggiani Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 52 (3), 383-403, 1975 | 400 | 1975 |
Uniform stabilization of the wave equation with Dirichlet or Neumann feedback control without geometrical conditions I Lasiecka, R Triggiani Applied Mathematics and Optimization 25 (2), 189-224, 1992 | 310 | 1992 |
Inverse/observability estimates for second-order hyperbolic equations with variable coefficients I Lasiecka, R Triggiani, PF Yao Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 235 (1), 13-57, 1999 | 275 | 1999 |
A note on the lack of exact controllability for mild solutions in Banach spaces R Triggiani SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 15 (3), 407-411, 1977 | 257 | 1977 |
Exact controllability of semilinear abstract systems with application to waves and plates boundary control problems I Lasiecka, R Triggiani Applied Mathematics and Optimization 23 (1), 109-154, 1991 | 248 | 1991 |
Exact controllability of the wave equation with Neumann boundary control I Lasiecka, R Triggiani Applied Mathematics and Optimization 19 (1), 243-290, 1989 | 226 | 1989 |
Function space controllability of linear retarded systems: a derivation from abstract operator conditions A Manitius, R Triggiani SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 16 (4), 599-645, 1978 | 219 | 1978 |
Controllability and observability in Banach space with bounded operators R Triggiani SIAM Journal on Control 13 (2), 462-491, 1975 | 202 | 1975 |
Algebraic Riccati equations with non-smoothing observation arising in hyperbolic and Euler-Bernoulli boundary control problems F Flandoli, I Lasiecka, R Triggiani Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923-) 153 (1), 307-382, 1988 | 201 | 1988 |
Internal stabilization of Navier-Stokes equations with finite-dimensional controllers V Barbu, R Triggiani Indiana University mathematics journal, 1443-1494, 2004 | 190 | 2004 |
Regularity of hyperbolic equations underL 2(0,T; L 2 (Γ))-Dirichlet boundary terms I Lasiecka, R Triggiani Applied Mathematics and Optimization 10, 275-286, 1983 | 187 | 1983 |
A cosine operator approach to modelingL2(0,T; L2 (Γ))—Boundary input hyperbolic equations I Lasiecka, R Triggiani Applied mathematics and optimization 7 (1), 35-93, 1981 | 184 | 1981 |
Boundary feedback stabilizability of parabolic equations R Triggiani Applied Mathematics and Optimization 6 (1), 201-220, 1980 | 180 | 1980 |
An abstract semigroup approach to the third‐order Moore–Gibson–Thompson partial differential equation arising in high‐intensity ultrasound: structural decomposition, spectral … R Marchand, T McDevitt, R Triggiani Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 35 (15), 1896-1929, 2012 | 174 | 2012 |
Carleman estimates with no lower-order terms for general Riemann wave equations. Global uniqueness and observability in one shot R Triggiani, Yao Applied Mathematics & Optimization 46, 331-375, 2002 | 174 | 2002 |
Nonconservative wave equations with unobserved Neumann BC: global uniqueness and observability in one shot I Lasiecka, R Triggiani, X Zhang Contemporary Mathematics 268, 227-326, 2000 | 174 | 2000 |