Studying the relationship between economic growth, CO2 emissions, and the environmental Kuznets curve in Venezuela (1980–2025) A Robalino-López, Á Mena-Nieto, JE García-Ramos, AA Golpe Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41, 602-614, 2015 | 214 | 2015 |
System dynamics modeling for renewable energy and CO2 emissions: A case study of Ecuador A Robalino-López, A Mena-Nieto, JE García-Ramos Energy for Sustainable Development 20, 11-20, 2014 | 173 | 2014 |
Ranking fuzzy cognitive map based scenarios with TOPSIS JL Salmeron, R Vidal, A Mena Expert Systems with Applications 39 (3), 2443-2450, 2012 | 148 | 2012 |
Is India on the right pathway to reduce CO2 emissions? Decomposing an enlarged Kaya identity using the LMDI method for the period 1990–2016 G Ortega-Ruiz, A Mena-Nieto, JE García-Ramos Science of the Total Environment 737, 139638, 2020 | 112 | 2020 |
System dynamics modelling and the environmental Kuznets curve in Ecuador (1980–2025) A Robalino-López, JE García-Ramos, AA Golpe, Á Mena-Nieto Energy Policy 67, 923-931, 2014 | 102 | 2014 |
Fuzzy Cognitive Map-based selection of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) trends for eco-innovation of ceramic industry products R Vidal, JL Salmeron, A Mena, V Chulvi Journal of Cleaner Production 107, 202-214, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
Using a fuzzy TOPSIS-based scenario analysis to improve municipal solid waste planning and forecasting: a case study of Canary archipelago (1999–2030) C Estay-Ossandon, A Mena-Nieto, N Harsch Journal of cleaner production 176, 1198-1212, 2018 | 85 | 2018 |
Understanding the passive mechanical behavior of the human abdominal wall B Hernández-Gascón, A Mena, E Peña, G Pascual, JM Bellón, B Calvo Annals of biomedical engineering 41, 433-444, 2013 | 77 | 2013 |
CO2 emissions and causal relationships in the six largest world emitters G Ortega-Ruiz, A Mena-Nieto, AA Golpe, JE García-Ramos Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 162, 112435, 2022 | 70 | 2022 |
Modelling the driving forces of the municipal solid waste generation in touristic islands. A case study of the Balearic Islands (2000–2030) C Estay-Ossandon, A Mena-Nieto Waste management 75, 70-81, 2018 | 67 | 2018 |
CO2 emissions convergence among 10 South American countries. A study of Kaya components (1980–2010) A Robalino-López, JE García-Ramos, AA Golpe, A Mena-Nieto Carbon Management 7 (1-2), 1-12, 2016 | 62 | 2016 |
Impedance-based outflow boundary conditions for human carotid haemodynamics M Malvè, S Chandra, A García, A Mena, MA Martínez, EA Finol, ... Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 17 (11), 1248-1260, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
FSI analysis of a healthy and a stenotic human trachea under impedance-based boundary conditions M Malvè, A Pérez del Palomar, S Chandra, JL López-Villalobos, A Mena, ... | 55 | 2011 |
Artificial neural networks as artificial intelligence technique for energy saving in refrigeration systems—A review M Pérez-Gomariz, A López-Gómez, F Cerdán-Cartagena Clean Technologies 5 (1), 116-136, 2023 | 42 | 2023 |
Learning FCMs with multi-local and balanced memetic algorithms for forecasting drying processes. JL Salmeron, A Ruiz-Celma, A Mena-Nieto Neurocomputing 232, 52-57, 2017 | 42 | 2017 |
XPDRL project: Improving the project documentation quality in the Spanish architectural, engineering and construction sector Á Mena, F López, JM Framiñan, F Flores, JM Gallego Automation in Construction 19 (2), 270-282, 2010 | 41 | 2010 |
Comparison of the carbon footprint of different patient diets in a Spanish hospital R Vidal, E Moliner, A Pikula, A Mena-Nieto, A Ortega Journal of health services research & policy 20 (1), 39-44, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
Numerical modeling of a human stented trachea under different stent designs M Malvè, AP del Palomar, A Mena, O Trabelsi, JL López-Villalobos, ... International communications in heat and mass transfer 38 (7), 855-862, 2011 | 36 | 2011 |
A new analytical method to optimise the preventive maintenance interval by using a semi-Markov process and z-transform with an application to marine diesel engines A Sánchez-Herguedas, A Mena-Nieto, F Rodrigo-Muñoz Reliability Engineering & System Safety 207, 107394, 2021 | 33 | 2021 |
El autoabastecimiento energético en los países en vías de desarrollo en el marco del metabolismo urbano: caso Cuenca, Ecuador EA Barragán Escandón Jaén: Universidad de Jaén, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |