Previous experience influences pacing during 20 km time trial cycling D Micklewright, E Papadopoulou, J Swart, T Noakes British journal of sports medicine 44 (13), 952-960, 2010 | 218 | 2010 |
Heart rate recovery as a guide to monitor fatigue and predict changes in performance parameters RP Lamberts, J Swart, B Capostagno, TD Noakes, MI Lambert Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 20 (3), 449-457, 2010 | 214 | 2010 |
Changes in heart rate recovery after high-intensity training in well-trained cyclists RP Lamberts, J Swart, TD Noakes, MI Lambert European journal of applied physiology 105, 705-713, 2009 | 195 | 2009 |
Exercising with reserve: exercise regulation by perceived exertion in relation to duration of exercise and knowledge of endpoint J Swart, RP Lamberts, MI Lambert, EV Lambert, RW Woolrich, S Johnston, ... British journal of sports medicine 43 (10), 775-781, 2009 | 173 | 2009 |
A novel submaximal cycle test to monitor fatigue and predict cycling performance RP Lamberts, J Swart, TD Noakes, MI Lambert British journal of sports medicine 45 (10), 797-804, 2011 | 168 | 2011 |
Exercising with reserve: evidence that the central nervous system regulates prolonged exercise performance J Swart, RP Lamberts, MI Lambert, ASC Gibson, EV Lambert, J Skowno, ... British journal of sports medicine 43 (10), 782-788, 2009 | 167 | 2009 |
The interaction of psychological and physiological homeostatic drives and role of general control principles in the regulation of physiological systems, exercise and the … A St Clair Gibson, J Swart, R Tucker European journal of sport science 18 (1), 25-36, 2018 | 159 | 2018 |
Gluconeogenesis during endurance exercise in cyclists habituated to a long‐term low carbohydrate high‐fat diet CC Webster, TD Noakes, SK Chacko, J Swart, TA Kohn, JAH Smith The Journal of physiology 594 (15), 4389-4405, 2016 | 145 | 2016 |
Perceptual cues in the regulation of exercise performance–physical sensations of exercise and awareness of effort interact as separate cues J Swart, TR Lindsay, MI Lambert, JC Brown, TD Noakes British Journal of Sports Medicine 46 (1), 42-48, 2012 | 107 | 2012 |
Maintenance of plasma volume and serum sodium concentration despite body weight loss in ironman triathletes T Hew-Butler, M Collins, A Bosch, K Sharwood, G Wilson, M Armstrong, ... Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 17 (2), 116-122, 2007 | 97 | 2007 |
Cycling biomechanics optimization—the (R) evolution of bicycle fitting J Swart, W Holliday Current sports medicine reports 18 (12), 490-496, 2019 | 93 | 2019 |
The physiological profile of a multiple tour de france winning cyclist. PG Bell, MJ Furber, KA Van Someren, A Anton-Solanas, J Swart Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 49 (1), 115-123, 2017 | 92 | 2017 |
Sport and exercise genomics: the FIMS 2019 consensus statement update K Tanisawa, G Wang, J Seto, I Verdouka, R Twycross-Lewis, ... British journal of sports medicine 54 (16), 969-975, 2020 | 85 | 2020 |
Measurement error associated with performance testing in well-trained cyclists: application to the precision of monitoring changes in training status RP Lamberts, J Swart, RW Woolrich, TD Noakes, MI Lambert International SportMed Journal 10 (1), 33-44, 2009 | 85 | 2009 |
Cycling: Joint kinematics and muscle activity during differing intensities W Holliday, R Theo, J Fisher, J Swart Sports biomechanics 22 (5), 660-674, 2023 | 67 | 2023 |
Use of blood lactate concentration as a marker of training status J Swart, CL Jennings South African Journal of Sports Medicine 16 (3), 1-5, 2004 | 67 | 2004 |
Recommendations for return to sport during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic H Löllgen, N Bachl, T Papadopoulou, A Shafik, G Holloway, K Vonbank, ... BMJ open sport & exercise medicine 6 (1), e000858, 2020 | 65 | 2020 |
Heatstroke during endurance exercise: is there evidence for excessive endothermy? DE Rae, GJ Knobel, T Mann, J Swart, R Tucker, TD Noakes Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 40 (7), 1193, 2008 | 65 | 2008 |
Effects of high-intensity training by heart rate or power in well-trained cyclists J Swart, RP Lamberts, W Derman, MI Lambert The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 23 (2), 619-625, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
Joint position statement of the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS) and European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations (EFSMA) on the IOC framework on … F Pigozzi, X Bigard, J Steinacker, B Wolfarth, V Badtieva, C Schneider, ... BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 8 (1), 2022 | 51 | 2022 |