מאמרים עם הרשאות לגישה ציבורית - Prakash C Ghoshלמידע נוסף
לא זמינים באתר כלשהו: 16
Hybrid ozonation process for industrial wastewater treatment: Principles and applications: A review
SN Malik, PC Ghosh, AN Vaidya, SN Mudliar
Journal of Water Process Engineering 35, 101193, 2020
הרשאות: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for bioelectrochemical treatment of different wastewater streams
SS Kumar, V Kumar, SK Malyan, J Sharma, T Mathimani, MS Maskarenj, ...
Fuel 254, 115526, 2019
הרשאות: Department of Science & Technology, India
Microbial fuel cell-based biological oxygen demand sensors for monitoring wastewater: state-of-the-art and practical applications
JM Sonawane, CI Ezugwu, PC Ghosh
ACS sensors 5 (8), 2297-2316, 2020
הרשאות: European Commission
Catalytic ozone pretreatment of complex textile effluent using Fe2+ and zero valent iron nanoparticles
SN Malik, PC Ghosh, AN Vaidya, SN Mudliar
Journal of hazardous materials 357, 363-375, 2018
הרשאות: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Treatment of pharmaceutical industrial wastewater by nano-catalyzed ozonation in a semi-batch reactor for improved biodegradability
SN Malik, SM Khan, PC Ghosh, AN Vaidya, G Kanade, SN Mudliar
Science of the Total Environment 678, 114-122, 2019
הרשאות: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Facile synthesis of highly conducting and mesoporous carbon aerogel as platinum support for PEM fuel cells
R Singh, MK Singh, S Bhartiya, A Singh, DK Kohli, PC Ghosh, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (16), 11110-11117, 2017
הרשאות: Department of Science & Technology, India
Ozone pre-treatment of molasses-based biomethanated distillery wastewater for enhanced bio-composting
SN Malik, PC Ghosh, AN Vaidya, SN Mudliar
Journal of environmental management 246, 42-50, 2019
הרשאות: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Permselectivity of ionene-based, Aemion® anion exchange membranes
AS Gangrade, S Cassegrain, PC Ghosh, S Holdcroft
Journal of Membrane Science 641, 119917, 2022
הרשאות: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Nano catalytic ozonation of biomethanated distillery wastewater for biodegradability enhancement, color and toxicity reduction with biofuel production
SN Malik, SM Khan, PC Ghosh, AN Vaidya, S Das, SN Mudliar
Chemosphere 230, 449-461, 2019
הרשאות: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Potassium-Substituted LaMnO3 as a Highly Active and Exceptionally Stable Electrocatalyst toward Bifunctional Oxygen Reduction and Oxygen Evolution Reactions
V Kotha, I Karajagi, PC Ghosh, LS Panchakarla
ACS Applied Energy Materials 5 (6), 7297-7307, 2022
הרשאות: US Department of Energy, Department of Science & Technology, India
A generic sizing methodology for thermal management system in fuel cell vehicles using pinch analysis
N Philip, PC Ghosh
Energy Conversion and Management 269, 116172, 2022
הרשאות: Department of Science & Technology, India
Study of an innovative versatile flow design suitable for fuel cells
S Meenakshi, PC Ghosh
Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 2017
הרשאות: Department of Science & Technology, India, UK Research & Innovation
A Multi-Interfacial Material Design Leading Bifunctional Oxygen Reduction and Water Oxidation Electrocatalysis to Zinc–Air Battery Application
T Aziz, A Kumar, MK Awasthi, YP Kharwar, I Karajagi, V Vishal, PC Ghosh, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 7 (24), 11297-11308, 2024
הרשאות: Department of Science & Technology, India
Nickel integrated carbon electrodes for improved stability
I Karajagi, K Ramya, PC Ghosh, A Sarkar, N Rajalakshmi
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (13), 130510, 2020
הרשאות: Department of Science & Technology, India
Engineering of O2 Electrodes by Surface Modification for Corrosion Resistance in Zinc–Air Batteries
I Karajagi, K Ramya, PC Ghosh, A Sarkar, N Rajalakshmi
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Energy …, 2021
הרשאות: Department of Science & Technology, India
Phosphonated Poly (2, 5-Benzimidazole)/Zirconium Phosphate Nanocomposite Membrane for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Application
K Brahma, R Nayak, PC Ghosh, Sonika
International Conference on Advances in Energy Research, 429-442, 2023
הרשאות: Department of Science & Technology, India
זמינים באתר כלשהו: 34
1D Copper Nanostructures: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities
WC S Bhanushali, P Ghosh, A Ganesh
Small 11 (11), 1232-1252, 2015
הרשאות: Australian Research Council, Department of Science & Technology, India
Sizing of hybrid energy storage system for a PV based microgrid through design space approach
AS Jacob, R Banerjee, PC Ghosh
Applied energy 212, 640-653, 2018
הרשאות: Department of Science & Technology, India
Enhanced thermal conductivity of copper nanofluids: the effect of filler geometry
S Bhanushali, NN Jason, P Ghosh, A Ganesh, GP Simon, W Cheng
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (22), 18925-18935, 2017
הרשאות: Australian Research Council, Department of Science & Technology, India
Kinetics of nano-catalysed dark fermentative hydrogen production from distillery wastewater
SN Malik, V Pugalenthi, AN Vaidya, PC Ghosh, SN Mudliar
Energy Procedia 54, 417-430, 2014
הרשאות: Department of Biotechnology, India
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