Hydrophilic nitrogen and sulfur Co‐doped molybdenum carbide nanosheets for electrochemical hydrogen evolution H Ang, HT Tan, ZM Luo, Y Zhang, YY Guo, G Guo, H Zhang, Q Yan Small 11 (47), 6278-6284, 2015 | 198 | 2015 |
Perovskite solar cell powered electrochromic batteries for smart windows X Xia, Z Ku, D Zhou, Y Zhong, Y Zhang, Y Wang, MJ Huang, J Tu, HJ Fan Materials Horizons 3 (6), 588-595, 2016 | 172 | 2016 |
Artificial neural network based spectrum sensing method for cognitive radio YJ Tang, QY Zhang, W Lin 2010 6th international conference on wireless communications networking and …, 2010 | 152 | 2010 |
Space-air-ground integrated vehicular network for connected and automated vehicles: Challenges and solutions Z Niu, XS Shen, Q Zhang, Y Tang Intelligent and Converged Networks 1 (2), 142-169, 2020 | 115 | 2020 |
AoI-inspired collaborative information collection for AUV-assisted internet of underwater things Z Fang, J Wang, C Jiang, Q Zhang, Y Ren IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (19), 14559-14571, 2021 | 108 | 2021 |
Network utility maximization resource allocation for NOMA in satellite-based Internet of Things J Jiao, Y Sun, S Wu, Y Wang, Q Zhang IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (4), 3230-3242, 2020 | 107 | 2020 |
A frequency-domain entropy-based detector for robust spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks YL Zhang, QY Zhang, T Melodia IEEE Communications Letters 14 (6), 533-535, 2010 | 106 | 2010 |
Entropy-based robust spectrum sensing in cognitive radio Y Zhang, Q Zhang, S Wu IET communications 4 (4), 428-436, 2010 | 103 | 2010 |
Novel short-time fractional Fourier transform: Theory, implementation, and applications J Shi, J Zheng, X Liu, W Xiang, Q Zhang IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 68, 3280-3295, 2020 | 100 | 2020 |
UAV-assisted RF/FSO relay system for space-air-ground integrated network: A performance analysis L Qu, G Xu, Z Zeng, N Zhang, Q Zhang IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (8), 6211-6225, 2022 | 99 | 2022 |
Performance analysis of the hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay network with opportunistic scheduling over generalized fading channels Z Zhao, G Xu, N Zhang, Q Zhang IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (3), 2914-2924, 2022 | 98 | 2022 |
Nearly optimal bounds for orthogonal least squares J Wen, J Wang, Q Zhang IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (20), 5347-5356, 2017 | 92 | 2017 |
Outage probability and average BER of UAV-assisted dual-hop FSO communication with amplify-and-forward relaying G Xu, N Zhang, M Xu, Z Xu, Q Zhang, Z Song IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (7), 8287-8302, 2023 | 87 | 2023 |
Joint power and bandwidth allocation in wireless cooperative localization networks T Zhang, AF Molisch, Y Shen, Q Zhang, H Feng, MZ Win IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (10), 6527-6540, 2016 | 83 | 2016 |
A design of energy detector in cognitive radio under noise uncertainty W Lin, Q Zhang 2008 11th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems …, 2008 | 82 | 2008 |
6G network AI architecture for everyone-centric customized services Y Yang, M Ma, H Wu, Q Yu, X You, J Wu, C Peng, TSP Yum, AH Aghvami, ... IEEE Network 37 (5), 71-80, 2022 | 79 | 2022 |
基于 EMD 及 ARMA 的自相似网络流量预测 高波, 张钦宇, 梁永生, 刘宁宁, 黄程波, 张乃通 通信学报 4, 2011 | 71 | 2011 |
深空探测通信技术发展趋势及思考 张乃通, 李晖, 张钦宇 宇航学报 28 (4), 786-793, 2007 | 68 | 2007 |
Relay-assisted deep space optical communication system over coronal fading channels G Xu, Q Zhang, Z Song, B Ai IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 59 (6), 8297-8312, 2023 | 67 | 2023 |
WFRFT precoding for narrowband interference suppression in DFT-based block transmission systems L Mei, Q Zhang, X Sha, N Zhang IEEE Communications Letters 17 (10), 1916-1919, 2013 | 67 | 2013 |