Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) JP Lefaucheur, A Antal, SS Ayache, DH Benninger, J Brunelin, ... Clinical neurophysiology 128 (1), 56-92, 2017 | 1962 | 2017 |
Empathy in children with autism and conduct disorder: Group‐specific profiles and developmental aspects C Schwenck, J Mergenthaler, K Keller, J Zech, S Salehi, R Taurines, ... Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 53 (6), 651-659, 2012 | 413 | 2012 |
Simulation of near-infrared light absorption considering individual head and prefrontal cortex anatomy: implications for optical neuroimaging FB Haeussinger, S Heinzel, T Hahn, M Schecklmann, AC Ehlis, ... PloS one 6 (10), e26377, 2011 | 301 | 2011 |
Tinnitus and tinnitus disorder: Theoretical and operational definitions (an international multidisciplinary proposal) D De Ridder, W Schlee, S Vanneste, A Londero, N Weisz, T Kleinjung, ... Progress in brain research 260, 1-25, 2021 | 282 | 2021 |
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy: a long-term reliable tool for measuring brain activity during verbal fluency M Schecklmann, AC Ehlis, MM Plichta, AJ Fallgatter Neuroimage 43 (1), 147-155, 2008 | 235 | 2008 |
Phenotypic characteristics of hyperacusis in tinnitus M Schecklmann, M Landgrebe, B Langguth, TRI Database Study Group PloS one 9 (1), e86944, 2014 | 233 | 2014 |
Relationship between audiometric slope and tinnitus pitch in tinnitus patients: insights into the mechanisms of tinnitus generation M Schecklmann, V Vielsmeier, T Steffens, M Landgrebe, B Langguth, ... PloS one 7 (4), e34878, 2012 | 199 | 2012 |
Neural correlates of tinnitus duration and distress: a positron emission tomography study M Schecklmann, M Landgrebe, TB Poeppl, P Kreuzer, P Männer, ... Human brain mapping 34 (1), 233-240, 2013 | 178 | 2013 |
Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation: retrospective assessment of cardiac safety in a pilot study PM Kreuzer, M Landgrebe, O Husser, M Resch, M Schecklmann, ... Frontiers in psychiatry 3, 70, 2012 | 174 | 2012 |
Treatment of chronic tinnitus with repeated sessions of prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation: outcomes from an open-label pilot study E Frank, M Schecklmann, M Landgrebe, J Burger, P Kreuzer, TB Poeppl, ... Journal of neurology 259, 327-333, 2012 | 155 | 2012 |
Tinnitus assessment by means of standardized self-report questionnaires: psychometric properties of the Tinnitus Questionnaire (TQ), the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), and … F Zeman, M Koller, M Schecklmann, B Langguth, M Landgrebe, ... Health and quality of life outcomes 10, 1-10, 2012 | 148 | 2012 |
Insomnia in patients with chronic tinnitus: Cognitive and emotional distress as moderator variables T Crönlein, B Langguth, M Pregler, PM Kreuzer, TC Wetter, ... Journal of psychosomatic research 83, 65-68, 2016 | 127 | 2016 |
Feasibility, safety and efficacy of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation in chronic tinnitus: an open pilot study PM Kreuzer, M Landgrebe, M Resch, O Husser, M Schecklmann, ... Brain stimulation 7 (5), 740-747, 2014 | 122 | 2014 |
Diminished prefrontal oxygenation with normal and above-average verbal fluency performance in adult ADHD M Schecklmann, AC Ehlis, MM Plichta, J Romanos, M Heine, ... Journal of psychiatric research 43 (2), 98-106, 2008 | 121 | 2008 |
The Relevance of the High Frequency Audiometry in Tinnitus Patients with Normal Hearing in Conventional Pure‐Tone Audiometry V Vielsmeier, A Lehner, J Strutz, T Steffens, PM Kreuzer, M Schecklmann, ... BioMed research international 2015 (1), 302515, 2015 | 120 | 2015 |
Efficacy of different protocols of transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of tinnitus: Pooled analysis of two randomized controlled studies B Langguth, M Landgrebe, E Frank, M Schecklmann, PG Sand, ... The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 15 (4), 276-285, 2014 | 117 | 2014 |
Auditory cortex is implicated in tinnitus distress: a voxel-based morphometry study M Schecklmann, A Lehner, TB Poeppl, PM Kreuzer, R Rupprecht, J Rackl, ... Brain Structure and Function 218, 1061-1070, 2013 | 115 | 2013 |
Bimodal neuromodulation combining sound and tongue stimulation reduces tinnitus symptoms in a large randomized clinical study B Conlon, B Langguth, C Hamilton, S Hughes, E Meade, CO Connor, ... Science Translational Medicine 12 (564), eabb2830, 2020 | 114 | 2020 |
Reconstructing functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals impaired by extra-cranial confounds: an easy-to-use filter method FB Haeussinger, T Dresler, S Heinzel, M Schecklmann, AJ Fallgatter, ... NeuroImage 95, 69-79, 2014 | 110 | 2014 |
Temporomandibular joint disorder complaints in tinnitus: further hints for a putative tinnitus subtype V Vielsmeier, J Strutz, T Kleinjung, M Schecklmann, PM Kreuzer, ... PLoS One 7 (6), e38887, 2012 | 109 | 2012 |