עקוב אחר
John Ridley
John Ridley
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין mail.colostate.edu
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Fluid chemistry of orogenic lode gold deposits and implications for genetic models
JR Ridley, LW Diamond
Ore deposit geology
J Ridley
Cambridge University Press, 2013
The hydrothermal fluid of Archaean lode-gold deposits at different metamorphic grades: compositional constraints from ore and wallrock alteration assemblages
EJ Mikucki, JR Ridley
Mineralium Deposita 28, 469-481, 1993
Pressure—temperature—time (PTt) histories of erogenic belts
AB Thompson, JR Ridley
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1987
The relations between mean rock stress and fluid flow in the crust: with reference to vein-and lode-style gold deposits
J Ridley
Ore Geology Reviews 8 (1-2), 23-37, 1993
Lode-gold deposits of the Yilgarn block: products of Late Archaean crustal-scale overpressured hydrothermal systems
DI Groves, JR Ridley, EMJ Bloem, M Gebre-Mariam, SG Hagemann, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 95 (1), 155-172, 1995
Biomarkers from Huronian oil-bearing fluid inclusions: an uncontaminated record of life before the Great Oxidation Event
A Dutkiewicz, H Volk, SC George, J Ridley, R Buick
Geology 34 (6), 437-440, 2006
Preservation of hydrocarbons and biomarkers in oil trapped inside fluid inclusions for> 2 billion years
SC George, H Volk, A Dutkiewicz, J Ridley, R Buick
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (3), 844-870, 2008
Sub-greenschist to granulite-hosted Archaean lode-gold deposits: a depositional continuum from deep-sourced hydrothermal fluids in crustal-scale plumbing systems
D Groves, AC Barnicoat, M Barley, KF Cassidy, RJ Fare, SG Hagemann, ...
Sub-greenschist to granulite-hosted Archaean lode-gold deposits: a …, 1992
Archean lode-gold deposits: fluid flow and chemical evolution in vertically extensive hydrothermal systems
J Ridley, EJ Mikucki, DI Groves
Ore Geology Reviews 10 (3-6), 279-293, 1996
Parallel stretching lineations and fold axes oblique to a shear displacement direction—a model and observations
J Ridley
Journal of Structural Geology 8 (6), 647-653, 1986
Evidence of a temperature-dependent ‘blueschist’to ‘eclogite’transformation in high-pressure metamorphism of metabasic rocks
J Ridley
Journal of Petrology 25 (4), 852-870, 1984
The role of mineral kinetics in the development of metamorphic microtextures
J Ridley, AB Thompson
Advances in physical geochemistry 5, 154-193, 1986
The Archean lode gold deposits at Wiluna, Western Australia; high-level brittle-style mineralization in a strike-slip regime
SG Hagemann, DI Groves, JR Ridley, JR Vearncombe
Economic Geology 87 (4), 1022-1053, 1992
Geochemistry of oil in fluid inclusions in a middle Proterozoic igneous intrusion: implications for the source of hydrocarbons in crystalline rocks
A Dutkiewicz, H Volk, J Ridley, SC George
Organic geochemistry 35 (8), 937-957, 2004
The Granny Smith gold deposit: the role of heterogeneous stress distribution at an irregular granitoid contact in a greenschist facies terrane
VJ Ojala, JR Ridley, DI Groves, GC Hall
Mineralium Deposita 28, 409-419, 1993
JE Dixon, J Ridley
Chemical transport in metasomatic processes 218, 489-501, 1987
On the origins and tectonic significance of the charnockite suite of the Archaean Limpopo Belt, Northern Marginal Zone, Zimbabwe
J Ridley
Precambrian Research 55 (1-4), 407-427, 1992
Biomarkers, brines, and oil in the Mesoproterozoic, Roper Superbasin, Australia
A Dutkiewicz, H Volk, J Ridley, S George
Geology 31 (11), 981-984, 2003
Fluid—Rock Interactions During Metamorphism
ML Crawford, JM Ferry, RT Gregory, LS Hollister, RC Newton, J Ridley, ...
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
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