עקוב אחר
Jae-Eun Jon (전재은)
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Study abroad for global engagement: The long‐term impact of mobility experiences
RM Paige, GW Fry, EM Stallman, J Josić, JE Jon
Intercultural Education 20 (sup1), S29-S44, 2009
Realizing internationalization at home in Korean higher education: Promoting domestic students’ interaction with international students and intercultural competence
JE Jon
Journal of Studies in International Education 17 (4), 455-470, 2013
The emergence of a regional hub: Comparing international student choices and experiences in South Korea
JE Jon, JJ Lee, K Byun
Higher Education 67, 691-710, 2014
Neo-racism and neo-nationalism within East Asia: The experiences of international students in South Korea
J Lee, JE Jon, K Byun
Journal of Studies in International Education 21 (2), 136-155, 2017
Quest for building world-class universities in South Korea: Outcomes and consequences
K Byun, JE Jon, D Kim
Higher Education 65, 645-659, 2013
Power dynamics with international students: From the perspective of domestic students in Korean higher education
JE Jon
Higher Education 64 (4), 441-454, 2012
What it takes to internationalize higher education in Korea and Japan: English-mediated courses and international students
JE Jon, EY Kim
The internationalization of East Asian higher education: Globalization’s …, 2011
Study abroad and its transformative power
GW Fry, RM Paige, JE Jon, J Dillow, KA Nam
CIEE (Occasional Papers on International Educational Exchange) 32, 2009
‘Interculturality’in higher education as student intercultural learning and development: a case study in South Korea
JE Jon
Intercultural Education 20 (5), 439-449, 2009
Beyond immediate impact: Study abroad for global engagement (SAGE)
RM Paige, GW Fry, E Stallman, JE Jon, J Josić
Report submitted to the Title VI International Research and Studies Program …, 2010
Understanding study abroad participants’ career decisions and perspectives in US higher education
JE Jon, YJ Shin, GW Fry
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 50 (1), 53-70, 2020
Internationalization by English-Medium Instruction? Professors' decoupling behaviors to EMI policy in Korean higher education
JE Jon, YH Cho, K Byun
KEDI Journal of Educational Policy 17 (2), 297-318, 2020
니하오? 국내 중국인 유학생의 한국 학생과의 교우관계: 중국인 유학생의 경험과 인식(Nihao? Chinese students’ relationships with Korean students: From Chinese students’ experience …
전재은, 장나영
한국교육학연구 (구 안암교육학연구) 18 (1), 303-326, 2012
Study abroad for global engagement: Results that inform research and policy agendas
RM Paige, GW Fry, B LaBrack, EM Stallman, J Josić, JE Jon
Forum on Education Abroad Conference, Portland, OR, 2009
Study abroad and engagement at the local and global levels: The stories behind the numbers
JE Jon, GW Fry
Journal of Studies in International Education 25 (4), 407-424, 2021
Beyond immediate impact: Study abroad for global engagement
RM Paige, GW Fry, E Stallman, J Jon, J Josic
US Department of Education International Research and Studies Program, 2010
잘 가르치는 대학의 특징과 성공 요인: 학부교육 우수대학 성공사례 보고서
변기용, 배상훈, 이석열, 변수연, 전재은, 전수빈
(No Title), 2015
STEM Report: Republic of Korea
JE Jon, HI Chung
Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA). Melbourne …, 2013
Internationalization of higher education in Korea: Policy trends toward the pursuit of the SDGs
JE Jon, SS Yoo
International Journal of Comparative and International Education 23 (2), 407-424, 2021
외국인 유학생 중도탈락률에 대한 대학기관 수준의 결정 요인 분석(International Students’ Drop-out Rate: Determining Factors at the Institutional Level)
글로벌교육연구 8 (3), 29-51, 2016
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מאמרים 1–20