Study abroad for global engagement: The long‐term impact of mobility experiences RM Paige, GW Fry, EM Stallman, J Josić, JE Jon Intercultural Education 20 (sup1), S29-S44, 2009 | 680 | 2009 |
Realizing internationalization at home in Korean higher education: Promoting domestic students’ interaction with international students and intercultural competence JE Jon Journal of Studies in International Education 17 (4), 455-470, 2013 | 266 | 2013 |
The emergence of a regional hub: Comparing international student choices and experiences in South Korea JE Jon, JJ Lee, K Byun Higher Education 67, 691-710, 2014 | 222 | 2014 |
Neo-racism and neo-nationalism within East Asia: The experiences of international students in South Korea J Lee, JE Jon, K Byun Journal of Studies in International Education 21 (2), 136-155, 2017 | 164 | 2017 |
Quest for building world-class universities in South Korea: Outcomes and consequences K Byun, JE Jon, D Kim Higher Education 65, 645-659, 2013 | 145 | 2013 |
Power dynamics with international students: From the perspective of domestic students in Korean higher education JE Jon Higher Education 64 (4), 441-454, 2012 | 112 | 2012 |
What it takes to internationalize higher education in Korea and Japan: English-mediated courses and international students JE Jon, EY Kim The internationalization of East Asian higher education: Globalization’s …, 2011 | 76 | 2011 |
Study abroad and its transformative power GW Fry, RM Paige, JE Jon, J Dillow, KA Nam CIEE (Occasional Papers on International Educational Exchange) 32, 2009 | 71 | 2009 |
‘Interculturality’in higher education as student intercultural learning and development: a case study in South Korea JE Jon Intercultural Education 20 (5), 439-449, 2009 | 68 | 2009 |
Beyond immediate impact: Study abroad for global engagement (SAGE) RM Paige, GW Fry, E Stallman, JE Jon, J Josić Report submitted to the Title VI International Research and Studies Program …, 2010 | 51 | 2010 |
Understanding study abroad participants’ career decisions and perspectives in US higher education JE Jon, YJ Shin, GW Fry Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 50 (1), 53-70, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Internationalization by English-Medium Instruction? Professors' decoupling behaviors to EMI policy in Korean higher education JE Jon, YH Cho, K Byun KEDI Journal of Educational Policy 17 (2), 297-318, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
니하오? 국내 중국인 유학생의 한국 학생과의 교우관계: 중국인 유학생의 경험과 인식(Nihao? Chinese students’ relationships with Korean students: From Chinese students’ experience … 전재은, 장나영 한국교육학연구 (구 안암교육학연구) 18 (1), 303-326, 2012 | 30* | 2012 |
Study abroad for global engagement: Results that inform research and policy agendas RM Paige, GW Fry, B LaBrack, EM Stallman, J Josić, JE Jon Forum on Education Abroad Conference, Portland, OR, 2009 | 30 | 2009 |
Study abroad and engagement at the local and global levels: The stories behind the numbers JE Jon, GW Fry Journal of Studies in International Education 25 (4), 407-424, 2021 | 29 | 2021 |
Beyond immediate impact: Study abroad for global engagement RM Paige, GW Fry, E Stallman, J Jon, J Josic US Department of Education International Research and Studies Program, 2010 | 27 | 2010 |
잘 가르치는 대학의 특징과 성공 요인: 학부교육 우수대학 성공사례 보고서 변기용, 배상훈, 이석열, 변수연, 전재은, 전수빈 (No Title), 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
STEM Report: Republic of Korea JE Jon, HI Chung Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA). Melbourne …, 2013 | 21 | 2013 |
Internationalization of higher education in Korea: Policy trends toward the pursuit of the SDGs JE Jon, SS Yoo International Journal of Comparative and International Education 23 (2), 407-424, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
외국인 유학생 중도탈락률에 대한 대학기관 수준의 결정 요인 분석(International Students’ Drop-out Rate: Determining Factors at the Institutional Level) 전재은 글로벌교육연구 8 (3), 29-51, 2016 | 16* | 2016 |