עקוב אחר
Prof.  Dr. (ENS Lyon) Harald Kosch
Prof. Dr. (ENS Lyon) Harald Kosch
Lehrstuhlinhaber für Verteilte Informationssysteme, Universität Passau
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין uni-passau.de
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Encyclopedia of multimedia
B Furht
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
Distributed multimedia database technologies supported by MPEG-7 and MPEG-21
H Kosch
CRC Press, 2003
A data generator for cloud-scale benchmarking
T Rabl, M Frank, HM Sergieh, H Kosch
Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Characterization of Complex Systems …, 2011
Depthsynth: Real-time realistic synthetic data generation from cad models for 2.5 d recognition
B Planche, Z Wu, K Ma, S Sun, S Kluckner, O Lehmann, T Chen, A Hutter, ...
2017 International conference on 3d vision (3DV), 1-10, 2017
Bitstream syntax description: a tool for multimedia resource adaptation within MPEG-21
G Panis, A Hutter, J Heuer, H Hellwagner, H Kosch, C Timmerer, ...
Signal Processing: Image Communication 18 (8), 721-747, 2003
Handbook of mobile broadcasting: DVB-H, DMB, ISDB-T, and mediaflo
B Furht, SA Ahson
CRC Press, 2008
The life cycle of multimedia metadata
H Kosch, L Boszormenyi, M Doller, M Libsie, P Schojer, A Kofler
IEEE MultiMedia 12 (1), 80-86, 2005
Towards an easy to use authoring tool for interactive non-linear video
B Meixner, K Matusik, C Grill, H Kosch
Multimedia Tools and Applications 70, 1251-1276, 2014
LPL, towards a GDPR-compliant privacy language: formal definition and usage
A Gerl, N Bennani, H Kosch, L Brunie
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXXVII, 41-80, 2018
Introducing Thing Descriptions and Interactions: An Ontology for the Web of Things.
V Charpenay, S Käbisch, H Kosch
SR+ SWIT@ ISWC, 55-66, 2016
MPEG-7 and multimedia database systems
H Kosch
ACM SIGMOD Record 31 (2), 34-39, 2002
Metadata driven adaptation in the ADMITS project
L Böszörményi, H Hellwagner, H Kosch, M Libsie, S Podlipnig
Signal Processing: Image Communication 18 (8), 749-766, 2003
VIDEX an integrated generic video indexing approach
R Tusch, H Kosch, L Böszörményi
Proceedings of the eighth ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 448-451, 2000
An ontology design pattern for iot device tagging systems
V Charpenay, S Käbisch, D Anicic, H Kosch
2015 5th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IOT), 138-145, 2015
The MPEG-7 multimedia database system (MPEG-7 MMDB)
M Döller, H Kosch
Journal of Systems and Software 81 (9), 1559-1580, 2008
Generic data stream description
H Hellwagner, J Heuer, A Hutter, H Kosch, C Timmerer
US Patent 7,844,638, 2010
Personalization vs. privacy in big data analysis
B Habegger, O Hasan, L Brunie, N Bennani, H Kosch, E Damiani
International Journal of Big Data, 25-35, 2014
SIVA suite: authoring system and player for interactive non-linear videos
B Meixner, B Siegel, G Hölbling, F Lehner, H Kosch
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1563-1566, 2010
Interactive non-linear video: definition and XML structure
B Meixner, H Kosch
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM symposium on Document engineering, 49-58, 2012
Evaluation of current RDF database solutions
F Stegmaier, U Gröbner, M Döller, H Kosch, G Baese
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Multimedia …, 2009
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