עקוב אחר
Leonardo Salas
Leonardo Salas
PRBO Conservation Science
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין prbo.org
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Diet of the lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris L.) in the Tabaro River valley, southern Venezuela
LA Salas, TK Fuller
Canadian Journal of Zoology 74 (8), 1444-1451, 1996
Modeling climate change impacts on tidal marsh birds: restoration and conservation planning in the face of uncertainty
SD Veloz, N Nur, L Salas, D Jongsomjit, J Wood, D Stralberg, G Ballard
Ecosphere 4 (4), 1-25, 2013
Tapirus terrestris
A Naveda, B De Thoisy, C Richard-Hansen, DA Torres, L Salas, ...
IUCN, 2008
Habitat use by lowland tapirs (Tapirus terrestris L.) in the Tabaro River valley, southern Venezuela
LA Salas
Canadian Journal of Zoology 74 (8), 1452-1458, 1996
Engaging ‘the crowd’in remote sensing to learn about habitat affinity of the Weddell seal in Antarctica
MA LaRue, DG Ainley, J Pennycook, K Stamatiou, L Salas, N Nur, ...
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 6 (1), 70-78, 2020
Incorporating canopy structure from simulated GEDI lidar into bird species distribution models
P Burns, M Clark, L Salas, S Hancock, D Leland, P Jantz, R Dubayah, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (9), 095002, 2020
El destino de los arquitectos de los bosques neotropicales: evaluación de la distribución y el estado de conservación de los pecaríes labiados y los tapires de tierras bajas
A Taber, SC Chalukian, M Altrichter, K Minkowski, L Lizarraga, ...
Wildlife Conservation Society, Wildlife Trust 181, 2008
Spatial factors and stochasticity in the evaluation of sustainable hunting of tapirs
LA Salas, JB Kim
Conservation Biology 16 (1), 86-96, 2002
Between a rock and a hard place: the impacts of climate change and housing development on breeding birds in California
D Jongsomjit, D Stralberg, T Gardali, L Salas, J Wiens
Landscape Ecology 28, 187-200, 2013
Insights from the first global population estimate of Weddell seals in Antarctica
M LaRue, L Salas, N Nur, D Ainley, S Stammerjohn, J Pennycook, ...
Science Advances 7 (39), eabh3674, 2021
Improving effectiveness of systematic conservation planning with density data
S Veloz, L Salas, B Altman, J Alexander, D Jongsomjit, N Elliott, G Ballard
Conservation Biology 29 (4), 1217-1227, 2015
Soundscape classification with convolutional neural networks reveals temporal and geographic patterns in ecoacoustic data
CA Quinn, P Burns, G Gill, S Baligar, RL Snyder, L Salas, SJ Goetz, ...
Ecological Indicators 138, 108831, 2022
Physical and ecological factors explain the distribution of Ross Sea Weddell seals during the breeding season
MA LaRue, L Salas, N Nur, DG Ainley, S Stammerjohn, L Barrington, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 612, 193-208, 2019
Coping with the loss of large, energy‐dense prey: a potential bottleneck for Weddell Seals in the Ross Sea
L Salas, N Nur, D Ainley, J Burns, J Rotella, G Ballard
Ecological Applications 27 (1), 10-25, 2017
Patrón de explotación de Puya sp.(Bromeliaceae) por Tremarctos ornatus (Ursidae) en el páramo El Tambor, Venezuela
IR Goldstein, L Salas
Ecotropicos 6 (2), 1-9, 1993
Annotated floristic checklist of the riparian corridor of the lower and middle Río Caura with comments on plantanimal interactions
C Knab-Vispo, J Rosales, PE Berry, G Rodríguez, L Salas, I Goldstein, ...
Plants and vertebrates of the Cauras riparian corridor. Sci. Guaianae 12, 35-139, 2003
A comparative analysis of common methods to identify waterbird hotspots
AL Sussman, B Gardner, EM Adams, L Salas, KP Kenow, DR Luukkonen, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (9), 1454-1468, 2019
Use of limestone karst forests by Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) in the Sangkulirang peninsula, east Kalimantan, Indonesia
AJ Marshall, LA Salas, S Stephens, Nardiyono, L Engström, E Meijaard, ...
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2007
Composición y estructura de una comunidad de árboles grandes en el valle del río Tabaro, Venezuela: una muestra de 18, 75 ha
L Salas, PE Berry, I Goldstein
Ecología de la cuenca del río Caura II. Estudios especiales. Sci. Guaianae 7 …, 1997
Ice matters: Life‐history strategies of two Antarctic seals dictate climate change eventualities in the Weddell Sea
M Wege, L Salas, M LaRue
Global change biology 27 (23), 6252-6262, 2021
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