Robust disambiguation of named entities in text J Hoffart, MA Yosef, I Bordino, H Fürstenau, M Pinkal, M Spaniol, ... Proceedings of the 2011 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2011 | 1414 | 2011 |
Aida: An online tool for accurate disambiguation of named entities in text and tables MA Yosef, J Hoffart, I Bordino, M Spaniol, G Weikum Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (12), 1450-1453, 2011 | 233 | 2011 |
Hyena: Hierarchical type classification for entity names MA Yosef, S Bauer, J Hoffart, M Spaniol, G Weikum Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters, 1361-1370, 2012 | 172 | 2012 |
Timely yago: harvesting, querying, and visualizing temporal knowledge from wikipedia Y Wang, M Zhu, L Qu, M Spaniol, G Weikum Proceedings of the 13th international conference on extending database …, 2010 | 139 | 2010 |
Web-based learning with non-linear multimedia stories M Spaniol, R Klamma, N Sharda, M Jarke Advances in Web Based Learning–ICWL 2006: 5th International Conference …, 2006 | 79 | 2006 |
Harvesting facts from textual web sources by constrained label propagation Y Wang, B Yang, L Qu, M Spaniol, G Weikum Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
Longitudinal analytics on web archive data: it's about time! G Weikum, N Ntarmos, M Spaniol, P Triantafillou, A Benczúr, S Kirkpatrick, ... 5th biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), 2011 | 67 | 2011 |
Watching the Blogosphere: Knowledge Sharing in the Web 2.0. R Klamma, Y Cao, M Spaniol ICWSM, 2007 | 62 | 2007 |
Social Wisdom for Search and Recommendation. R Schenkel, T Crecelius, M Kacimi, T Neumann, JX Parreira, M Spaniol, ... IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 31 (2), 40-49, 2008 | 57 | 2008 |
Data quality in web archiving M Spaniol, D Denev, A Mazeika, G Weikum, P Senellart Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Information Credibility on the Web, 19-26, 2009 | 55 | 2009 |
LAS: a lightweight application server for MPEG-7 services in community engines M Spaniol, R Klamma, H Janßen, D Renzel Proceedings of I-KNOW 6, 6-8, 2006 | 53 | 2006 |
Pattern-based cross media social network analysis for technology enhanced learning in Europe R Klamma, M Spaniol, Y Cao, M Jarke Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing: First European …, 2006 | 49 | 2006 |
Catch me if you can: Visual analysis of coherence defects in web archiving M Spaniol, A Mazeika, D Denev, G Weikum 9th International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW 2009), Corfu, Greece, 27-37, 2009 | 42 | 2009 |
Die Listen der Evidenz M Cuntz, B Nitsche, I Otto, M Spaniol Universität zu Köln, 2006 | 39 | 2006 |
The SHARC framework for data quality in Web archiving D Denev, A Mazeika, M Spaniol, G Weikum The VLDB Journal 20, 183-207, 2011 | 38 | 2011 |
MECCA: Hypermedia Capturing of Collaborative Scientific Discourses about Movies. R Klamma, M Spaniol, M Jarke Informing Science 8, 2005 | 38 | 2005 |
SHARC: framework for quality-conscious web archiving D Denev, A Mazeika, M Spaniol, G Weikum Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2 (1), 586-597, 2009 | 35 | 2009 |
Paladin: A pattern based approach to knowledge discovery in digital social networks R Klamma, M Spaniol, D Denev Proceedings of I-KNOW 6, 6-8, 2006 | 34 | 2006 |
MobSOS-a testbed for mobile multimedia community services D Renzel, R Klamma, M Spaniol 2008 Ninth International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia …, 2008 | 33 | 2008 |
Coupling label propagation and constraints for temporal fact extraction Y Wang, M Dylla, M Spaniol, G Weikum Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2012 | 31 | 2012 |