מאמרים עם הרשאות לגישה ציבורית - Iman Avazpourלמידע נוסף
לא זמין באתר כלשהו: 1
A framework for authoring logically ordered visual data stories
HO Obie, C Chua, I Avazpour, M Abdelrazek, J Grundy, T Bednarz
2019 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC …, 2019
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
זמינים באתר כלשהו: 22
A study of the effects of narration on comprehension and memorability of visualisations
HO Obie, C Chua, I Avazpour, M Abdelrazek, J Grundy, T Bednarz
Journal of Computer Languages 52, 113-124, 2019
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
Specifying model transformations by direct manipulation using concrete visual notations and interactive recommendations
I Avazpour, J Grundy, L Grunske
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 28, 195-211, 2015
הרשאות: Australian Research Council, German Research Foundation
A Multi-view Framework for Generating Mobile Apps
S Barnett, I Avazpour, R Vasa, J Grundy
IEEE International Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, 2015
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
Supporting multi-view development for mobile applications
S Barnett, I Avazpour, R Vasa, J Grundy
Journal of Computer Languages 51, 88-96, 2019
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
Pathrec: Visual analysis of travel route recommendations
D Chen, D Kim, L Xie, M Shin, AK Menon, CS Ong, I Avazpour, J Grundy
Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 364-365, 2017
הרשאות: US National Institutes of Health, Australian Research Council
Authoring logically sequenced visual data stories with gravity
HO Obie, C Chua, I Avazpour, M Abdelrazek, J Grundy, T Bednarz
Journal of Computer Languages 58, 100961, 2020
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
A Domain-Specific Visual Modeling Language for Testing Environment Emulation
J Liu, J Grundy, I Avazpour, M Abdelrazek
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), 2016
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
Adaptive warehouse storage location assignment with considerations to order-picking efficiency and worker safety
A Zarinchang, K Lee, I Avazpour, J Yang, D Zhang, GK Knopf
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 41 (1), 40-59, 2024
הרשאות: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Pedaviz: Visualising hour-level pedestrian activity
HO Obie, C Chua, I Avazpour, M Abdelrazek, J Grundy, T Bednarz
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Visual Information …, 2018
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
Visualising melbourne pedestrian count
HO Obie, C Chua, I Avazpour, M Abdelrazek, J Grundy
2017 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC …, 2017
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
Gravity++: A graph-based framework for constructing interactive visualization narratives
HO Obie, DTC Ho, I Avazpour, J Grundy, M Abdelrazek, T Bednarz, ...
Journal of Computer Languages 71, 101125, 2022
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
Hub Map: A new approach for visualizing traffic data sets with multi-attribute link data
A Simmons, I Avazpour, H Vu, R Vasa
IEEE International Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, 2015
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
Generating Reusable Visual Notations Using Model Transformation (Extended version)
I Avazpour, J Grundy, HL Vu
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 25 …, 2015
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
The effect of narration on user comprehension and recall of information visualisations
HO Obie, C Chua, I Avazpour, M Abdelrazek, J Grundy, T Bednarz
2020 IEEE symposium on visual languages and human-centric computing (VL/HCC …, 2020
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
TeeVML: tool support for semi-automatic integration testing environment emulation
J Liu, J Grundy, I Avazpour, M Abdelrazek
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2016
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
V for Variety: Lessons Learned from Complex Smart Cities Data Harmonization and Integration
I Avazpour, J Grundy, L Zhu
International Workshop on Context-Aware ​Smart Cities​ and Intelligent …, 2016
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
Generating reusable visual notations using model transformation
I Avazpour, JC Grundy, HL Vu
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Visual Information …, 2014
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
CONVErT Meets KIELER: Integrating Advanced Layout Algorithms into By-Example Visualisations
I Avazpour, U Rüegg, J Grundy
IEEE International Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric …, 2014
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
Testing environment emulation-a model-based approach
J Liu, J Grundy, M Abdelrazek, I Avazpour
International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2017
הרשאות: Australian Research Council
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