מאמרים עם הרשאות לגישה ציבורית - Jan Bruinierלמידע נוסף
זמינים באתר כלשהו: 25
Algebraic formulas for the coefficients of half-integral weight harmonic weak Maass forms
JH Bruinier, K Ono
Advances in Mathematics 246, 198-219, 2013
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Borcherds products and arithmetic intersection theory on Hilbert modular surfaces
JH Bruinier, JI Burgos Gil, U Kühn
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
On the converse theorem for Borcherds products
JH Bruinier
Journal of Algebra 397, 315-342, 2014
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Kudla's modularity conjecture and formal Fourier-Jacobi series
JH Bruinier, M Westerholt-Raum
Forum of Mathematics, Pi 3, e7, 2015
הרשאות: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Special values of Green functions at big CM points
JH Bruinier, SS Kudla, T Yang
International Mathematics Research Notices 2012 (9), 1917-1967, 2012
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Class polynomials for nonholomorphic modular functions
JH Bruinier, K Ono, AV Sutherland
Journal of Number Theory 161, 204-229, 2016
הרשאות: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Regularized theta liftings and periods of modular functions
JH Bruinier, J Funke, Ö Imamoḡlu
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2015 (703 …, 2015
הרשאות: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Algebraic formulas for the coefficients of mock theta functions and Weyl vectors of Borcherds products
JH Bruinier, M Schwagenscheidt
Journal of Algebra 478, 38-57, 2017
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Heights of Kudla–Rapoport divisors and derivatives of L-functions
JH Bruinier, B Howard, T Yang
Inventiones mathematicae 201 (1), 1-95, 2015
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Regularized theta lifts for orthogonal groups over totally real fields
JH Bruinier
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2012 (672 …, 2012
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
CM values of higher automorphic Green functions for orthogonal groups
JH Bruinier, S Ehlen, T Yang
Inventiones mathematicae 225, 693-785, 2021
הרשאות: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Special cycles on toroidal compactifications of orthogonal Shimura varieties
JH Bruinier, S Zemel
Mathematische Annalen 384 (1), 1-63, 2022
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Lattices with many Borcherds products
J Bruinier, S Ehlen, E Freitag
Mathematics of Computation 85 (300), 1953-1981, 2016
הרשאות: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Arithmetic degrees of special cycles and derivatives of Siegel Eisenstein series.
JH Bruinier, T Yang
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (EMS Publishing) 23 (5), 2021
הרשאות: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Harmonic Maass forms and periods
JH Bruinier
Mathematische Annalen 357 (4), 1363-1387, 2013
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Computation of harmonic weak Maass forms
JH Bruinier, F Strömberg
Experimental Mathematics 21 (2), 117-131, 2012
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Theta lifts for Lorentzian lattices and coefficients of mock theta functions
JH Bruinier, M Schwagenscheidt
Mathematische Zeitschrift 297, 1633-1657, 2021
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Borcherds products with prescribed divisor
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Vector valued formal Fourier-Jacobi series
J Bruinier
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2), 505-512, 2015
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Modularity of generating series of winding numbers
JH Bruinier, J Funke, Ö Imamoḡlu, Y Li
Research in the Mathematical Sciences 5, 1-23, 2018
הרשאות: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
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