עקוב אחר
rizki maryam astuti
rizki maryam astuti
Department of food science and technology, Universitas Bakrie
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין bakrie.ac.id
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Combustion characteristics of diesel fuel on one cylinder diesel engine using clove oil, eugenol, and eugenyl acetate as fuel bio-additives
A Kadarohman, I Rohman, R Kusrini, RM Astuti
Fuel, 2012
A potential study on clove oil, eugenol and eugenyl acetate as diesel fuel bio‐additives and their performance on one cylinder engine
A Kadarohman, Hernani, F Khoerunisa, RM Astuti
Transport 25 (1), 66-76, 2010
Effect of physical modification on granule morphology, pasting behavior, and functional properties of arrowroot (Marantha arundinacea L) starch
RM Astuti, N Asiah, A Setyowati, R Fitriawati
Food Hydrocolloids 81, 23-30, 2018
Proximate composition, total phenolic content, and sensory analysis of rice bran tempeh
L Cempaka, N Eliza, A Ardiansyah, DD Handoko, RM Astuti
Makara Journal of Science 22 (2), 89-94, 2018
Physical and chemical characteristic of virgin coconut oil under mix culture fermentation technique
N Asiah, RM Astuti, L Cempaka, R Setiani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1364 (1), 012009, 2019
Allergic reactivity of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) proteins
RM Astuti, NS Palupi, FR Zakaria
Food and Agricultural Immunology 27 (4), 535-546, 2016
Kandungan protein kasar dan serat kasar pada feses ayam yang difermentasi dengan Lactobacillus Sp
TFK Jamila, R Astuti
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner, 13-14, 2009
N., Setyowati, A., & Fitriawati, R.(2018). Effect of physical modification on granule morphology, pasting behavior, and functional properties of arrowroot (Marantha arundinacea …
RM Astuti, A Widaningrum
Food Hydrocolloids 81, 23-30, 0
Volatile compounds, sensory profile and phenolic compounds in fermented rice bran
Ardiansyah, A Nada, NTI Rahmawati, A Oktriani, W David, RM Astuti, ...
Plants 10 (6), 1073, 2021
Analisis Sentimen Opini Publik pada Twitter Terhadap Bank BSI Menggunakan Algoritma Machine Learning: Sentiment Analysis of Public Opinion on Twitter Toward BSI Bank Using …
RA Husen, R Astuti, L Marlia, R Rahmaddeni, L Efrizoni
MALCOM: Indonesian Journal of Machine Learning and Computer Science 3 (2 …, 2023
Karakteristik sensori dan analisis mikroba tempe segar beraneka rasa
L Cempaka, MA Widyana, RM Astuti
Jurnal Ilmu Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian 4 (1), 43-59, 2020
Effect of processing treatments on the allergenicity of nuts and legumes: A meta‐analysis
RM Astuti, NS Palupi, MT Suhartono, E Kusumaningtyas, HN Lioe
Journal of Food Science 88 (1), 28-56, 2023
Non-volatile compounds and blood pressure-lowering activity of Inpari 30 and Cempo Ireng fermented and non-fermented rice bran
A Ardiansyah, F Ariffa, RM Astuti, W David, DD Handoko, S Budijanto, ...
AIMS Agriculture and Food 6 (1), 337-359, 2021
Potency of clove oil and turpentine oil as a diesel fuel bioadditive and their performance on one cylinder engine
A Kadarohman, FK Hernani, RM Astuti
Proceeding of the International Seminar on Chemistry 721, 2008
Quality performance of protein allergen isolates for allergy diagnostic test (Case: Indonesian soybeans (Glycine max) and peanuts (Arachis hypogaea))
RM Astuti, NS Palupi, FR Zakaria
International Food Research Journal 25 (1), 217-226, 2018
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Protein Kacang Kedelai, Kacang Tanah dan Kacang Bogor Untuk Pembuatan Isolat Alergen
RM Astuti
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2012
Indonesian Tourist Perception toward Ethnic Food in Designated Countries in Asia
W David, WS Lestari, RM Astuti, N Asiah
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB …, 2019
Efek Pemanasan Skala Rumah Tangga terhadap Komponen Bioaktif Daun Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus)
A Ardiansyah, R Fadilah, DD Handoko, B Kusbiantoro
Agritech 39 (3), 207-214, 2019
Analisis Proses Pembuatan Tahu Skala Rumah Tangga dan Analisis Pendugaan Umur Simpannya dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Model Arrhenius
RM Astuti
Universitas Bakrie, 2017
Tahu Sutra, Makanan Bergizi Dengan Isoflavon Yang Tinggi
RM Astuti
Universitas Bakrie, 2016
המערכת אינה יכולה לבצע את הפעולה כעת. נסה שוב מאוחר יותר.
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