Frequency response of oil impregnated pressboard and paper samples for estimating moisture in transformer insulation C Ekanayake, SM Gubanski, A Graczkowski, K Walczak IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 21 (3), 1309-1317, 2006 | 336 | 2006 |
Field experiences with measurements of dielectric response in frequency domain for power transformer diagnostics J Blennow, C Ekanayake, K Walczak, B Garcia, SM Gubanski IEEE transactions on Power Delivery 21 (2), 681-688, 2006 | 174 | 2006 |
Moisture in cellulose insulation of power transformers-statistics J Gielniak, A Graczkowski, H Moranda, P Przybylek, K Walczak, ... IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 20 (3), 982-987, 2013 | 72 | 2013 |
Moisture migration in an oil-paper insulation system in relation to online partial discharge monitoring of power transformers W Sikorski, K Walczak, P Przybylek Energies 9 (12), 1082, 2016 | 57 | 2016 |
On-Line partial discharge monitoring system for power transformers based on the simultaneous detection of high frequency, ultra-high frequency, and acoustic emission signals W Sikorski, K Walczak, W Gil, C Szymczak Energies 13 (12), 3271, 2020 | 44 | 2020 |
Can the bubble effect occur in an oil impregnated paper bushing? P Przybylek, H Moranda, K Walczak, H Moscicka-Grzesiak IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 19 (6), 1879-1883, 2012 | 29 | 2012 |
Dielectric responses of new and aged transformer pressboard in dry and wet states J Gielniak, C Ekanayake, K Walczak, A Graczkowski, S Gubanski Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating …, 2005 | 25 | 2005 |
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on W Sikorski, K Walczak Acoustic Emission: Research and Applications, 91, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Dielectric frequency response of cellulose samples with various degree of moisture content and aging K Walczak, A Graczkowski, J Gielniak, H Morańda, H Mościcka-Grzesiak, ... Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 1, 264-267, 2006 | 21 | 2006 |
Method for vacuum state evaluation based on analysis of dynamics changes of electron field emission current and X-radiation in time K Walczak 20th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in …, 2002 | 15 | 2002 |
Influence of thermal ageing on dielectric response of oil-paper insulation J Gielniak, A Graczkowski, S Gubanski, H Moranda, H Moscicka-Grzesiak, ... Materials Science-Poland 27 (4/2), 1199-1205, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
Non-contact high voltage measurement in the online partial discharge monitoring system K Walczak, W Sikorski Energies 14 (18), 5777, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Comparative Tests of Partial Discharges in Nomex® 910 Paper and Cellulose Paper H Moranda, H Moscicka-Grzesiak, P Przybylek, K Walczak, R Szewczyk Energies 13 (3), 647, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
The bubble effect in bushings–investigations on models P Przybylek, H Moranda, K Walczak, H Moscicka-Grzesiak IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 22 (6), 3405-3412, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Enlargement of fingerprint in procedure of defects recognition in oil-paper insulation using time parameters of PD H Moranda Proceedings of the XIV International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering …, 2005 | 11 | 2005 |
Assessment of insulation state of power transformer after 35 years of operation using different diagnostic methods K Walczak, A Graczkowski, J Gielniak, S Gubanski, H Moscicka-Grzesiak International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, 2005 | 11 | 2005 |
Analysis of overvoltages appearing in one-sidedly ungrounded MV power cable screen A Schött-Szymczak, K Walczak Energies 13 (7), 1821, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Experimental validation of a method of drying cellulose insulation in distribution transformers using circulating synthetic ester P Przybylek, K Walczak, W Sikorski, H Moscicka-Grzesiak, H Moranda, ... IEEE Access 9, 150322-150329, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Online condition monitoring and expert system for power transformers K Walczak, W Sikorski, K Siodla, M Andrzejewski, W Gil Proceedings of the 3rd Advanced Research Workshop on Transformers, Santiago …, 2010 | 9 | 2010 |
Warunki wystąpienia „bubble effect” w transformatorze o izolacji papierowo-olejowej J Gielniak, H Morańda, S Neumann, M Ossowski, P Przybyłek, K Walczak, ... Energetyka, Zeszyt tematyczny nr VI, 120-122, 2005 | 9 | 2005 |