מאמרים עם הרשאות לגישה ציבורית - Lorenzo Maseratiלמידע נוסף
זמינים באתר כלשהו: 18
Gate-controlled ionization and screening of cobalt adatoms on a graphene surface
VW Brar, R Decker, HM Solowan, Y Wang, L Maserati, KT Chan, H Lee, ...
Nature Physics 7, 43, 2010
הרשאות: Swiss National Science Foundation
Redefining near-unity luminescence in quantum dots with photothermal threshold quantum yield
DA Hanifi, ND Bronstein, BA Koscher, Z Nett, JK Swabeck, K Takano, ...
Science 363 (6432), 1199-1202, 2019
הרשאות: US Department of Energy, European Commission
Cu3-xP Nanocrystals as a Material Platform for Near-Infrared Plasmonics and Cation Exchange Reactions
L De Trizio, R Gaspari, G Bertoni, I Kriegel, L Moretti, F Scotognella, ...
Chemistry of Materials 27 (3), 1120-1128, 2015
הרשאות: European Commission
Engineered transport in microporous materials and membranes for clean energy technologies
C Li, SM Meckler, ZP Smith, JE Bachman, L Maserati, JR Long, BA Helms
Advanced materials 30 (8), 1704953, 2018
הרשאות: US Department of Energy
Design rules for membranes from polymers of intrinsic microporosity for crossover-free aqueous electrochemical devices
MJ Baran, MN Braten, S Sahu, A Baskin, SM Meckler, L Li, L Maserati, ...
Joule 3 (12), 2968-2985, 2019
הרשאות: US Department of Energy
Multiple roles of a non-fullerene acceptor contribute synergistically for high-efficiency ternary organic photovoltaics
L Xiao, B He, Q Hu, L Maserati, Y Zhao, B Yang, MA Kolaczkowski, ...
Joule 2 (10), 2154-2166, 2018
הרשאות: US Department of Energy, US Department of Defense, National Natural Science …
Enhancement of CO 2 binding and mechanical properties upon diamine functionalization of M 2 (dobpdc) metal–organic frameworks
JH Lee, RL Siegelman, L Maserati, T Rangel, BA Helms, JR Long, ...
Chemical science 9 (23), 5197-5206, 2018
הרשאות: US Department of Energy
Minute-MOFs: Ultrafast Synthesis of M2(dobpdc) Metal–Organic Frameworks from Divalent Metal Oxide Colloidal Nanocrystals
L Maserati, SM Meckler, C Li, BA Helms
Chemistry of Materials 28 (5), 1581-1588, 2016
הרשאות: US Department of Energy
Atomic ligand passivation of colloidal nanocrystal films via their reaction with propyltrichlorosilane
M Zanella, L Maserati, M Pernia Leal, M Prato, R Lavieville, M Povia, ...
Chemistry of Materials 25 (8), 1423-1429, 2013
הרשאות: Government of Spain
Anisotropic 2D excitons unveiled in organic–inorganic quantum wells
L Maserati, S Refaely-Abramson, C Kastl, CT Chen, NJ Borys, CN Eisler, ...
Materials horizons 8 (1), 197-208, 2021
הרשאות: US Department of Energy
Diamine-Appended Mg2(dobpdc) Nanorods as Phase-Change Fillers in Mixed-Matrix Membranes for Efficient CO2/N2 Separations
L Maserati, SM Meckler, JE Bachman, JR Long, BA Helms
Nano letters 17 (11), 6828-6832, 2017
הרשאות: US Department of Energy
Photo-electrical properties of 2D quantum confined metal–organic chalcogenide nanocrystal films
L Maserati, M Prato, S Pecorario, B Passarella, A Perinot, AA Thomas, ...
Nanoscale 13 (1), 233-241, 2021
הרשאות: European Commission
Stable and solution‐processable cumulenic sp‐carbon wires: a new paradigm for organic electronics
S Pecorario, AD Scaccabarozzi, D Fazzi, E Gutiérrez‐Fernández, V Vurro, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (15), 2110468, 2022
הרשאות: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, European Commission
High‐Frequency Light Rectification by Nanoscale Plasmonic Conical Antenna in Point‐Contact‐Insulator‐Metal Architecture
R Mupparapu, J Cunha, F Tantussi, A Jacassi, L Summerer, M Patrini, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (15), 2103785, 2022
הרשאות: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Understanding the Synthetic Pathway to Large-Area, High-Quality [AgSePh] Nanocrystal Films
L Maserati, S Pecorario, M Prato, M Caironi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (41), 22845-22852, 2020
הרשאות: European Commission
Picoseconds-Limited Exciton Recombination in Metal–Organic Chalcogenides Hybrid Quantum Wells
C Kastl, AM Schwartzberg, L Maserati
ACS nano 16 (3), 3715-3722, 2022
הרשאות: US Department of Energy
Anharmonic Exciton‐Phonon Coupling in Metal‐Organic Chalcogenides Hybrid Quantum Wells
C Kastl, P Bonfà, L Maserati
Advanced Optical Materials 11 (7), 2202213, 2023
הרשאות: US Department of Energy, German Research Foundation, UK Science and …
Photoinduced current transient spectroscopy on metal halide perovskites: electron trapping and Ion Drift
G Armaroli, L Maserati, A Ciavatti, P Vecchi, A Piccioni, M Foschi, ...
ACS Energy Letters 8 (10), 4371-4379, 2023
הרשאות: European Commission
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