Electrode-reducing microorganisms that harvest energy from marine sediments DR Bond, DE Holmes, LM Tender, DR Lovley Science 295 (5554), 483-485, 2002 | 1998 | 2002 |
Dissimilatory fe (iii) and mn (iv) reduction DR Lovley, DE Holmes, KP Nevin Advances in microbial physiology 49 (2), 219-286, 2004 | 1829 | 2004 |
Harnessing microbially generated power on the seafloor LM Tender, CE Reimers, HA Stecher III, DE Holmes, DR Bond, DA Lowy, ... Nature biotechnology 20 (8), 821-825, 2002 | 948 | 2002 |
Geobacter: the microbe electric's physiology, ecology, and practical applications DR Lovley, T Ueki, T Zhang, NS Malvankar, PM Shrestha, KA Flanagan, ... Advances in microbial physiology 59, 1-100, 2011 | 820 | 2011 |
Microbial communities associated with electrodes harvesting electricity from a variety of aquatic sediments DE Holmes, DR Bond, RA O’neil, CE Reimers, LR Tender, DR Lovley Microbial ecology 48, 178-190, 2004 | 679 | 2004 |
Enrichment of Members of the Family Geobacteraceae Associated with Stimulation of Dissimilatory Metal Reduction in Uranium-Contaminated Aquifer Sediments DE Holmes, KT Finneran, RA O'Neil, DR Lovley Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (5), 2300-2306, 2002 | 485 | 2002 |
Electron Transfer by Desulfobulbus propionicus to Fe(III) and Graphite Electrodes DE Holmes, DR Bond, DR Lovley Applied and environmental microbiology 70 (2), 1234-1237, 2004 | 469 | 2004 |
Microarray and genetic analysis of electron transfer to electrodes in Geobacter sulfurreducens DE Holmes, SK Chaudhuri, KP Nevin, T Mehta, BA Methé, A Liu, JE Ward, ... Environmental Microbiology 8 (10), 1805-1815, 2006 | 444 | 2006 |
Enhancing anaerobic digestion of complex organic waste with carbon-based conductive materials Y Dang, DE Holmes, Z Zhao, TL Woodard, Y Zhang, D Sun, LY Wang, ... Bioresource technology 220, 516-522, 2016 | 389 | 2016 |
Electromicrobiology: the ecophysiology of phylogenetically diverse electroactive microorganisms DR Lovley, DE Holmes Nature Reviews Microbiology 20 (1), 5-19, 2022 | 388 | 2022 |
Potential Role of a Novel Psychrotolerant Member of the Family Geobacteraceae, Geopsychrobacter electrodiphilus gen. nov., sp. nov., in Electricity Production by … DE Holmes, JS Nicoll, DR Bond, DR Lovley Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 (10), 6023-6030, 2004 | 307 | 2004 |
Metatranscriptomic evidence for direct interspecies electron transfer between Geobacter and Methanothrix species in methanogenic rice paddy soils DE Holmes, PM Shrestha, DJF Walker, Y Dang, KP Nevin, TL Woodard, ... Applied and environmental microbiology 83 (9), e00223-17, 2017 | 301 | 2017 |
Potential enhancement of direct interspecies electron transfer for syntrophic metabolism of propionate and butyrate with biochar in up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors Z Zhao, Y Zhang, DE Holmes, Y Dang, TL Woodard, KP Nevin, DR Lovley Bioresource technology 209, 148-156, 2016 | 289 | 2016 |
Stimulation of the anaerobic digestion of the dry organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) with carbon-based conductive materials Y Dang, D Sun, TL Woodard, LY Wang, KP Nevin, DE Holmes Bioresource technology 238, 30-38, 2017 | 241 | 2017 |
Stimulation of methanogenesis in anaerobic digesters treating leachate from a municipal solid waste incineration plant with carbon cloth Y Lei, D Sun, Y Dang, H Chen, Z Zhao, Y Zhang, DE Holmes Bioresource technology 222, 270-276, 2016 | 231 | 2016 |
Geobacter bemidjiensis sp. nov. and Geobacter psychrophilus sp. nov., two novel Fe(III)-reducing subsurface isolates KP Nevin, DE Holmes, TL Woodard, ES Hinlein, DW Ostendorf, ... International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55 (4 …, 2005 | 211 | 2005 |
Geoglobus ahangari gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel hyperthermophilic archaeon capable of oxidizing organic acids and growing autotrophically on hydrogen with Fe (III) serving as … K Kashefi, JM Tor, DE Holmes, CV Gaw Van Praagh, AL Reysenbach, ... International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 (3 …, 2002 | 209 | 2002 |
Comparison of 16S rRNA, nifD, recA, gyrB, rpoB, and fusA genes within the family Geobacteraceae fam. nov. DE HOLMES, KP NEVIN, DR LOVLEY Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 54 (5), 1591-1599, 2004 | 199 | 2004 |
Proteins involved in electron transfer to Fe(III) and Mn(IV) oxides by Geobacter sulfurreducens and Geobacter uraniireducens M Aklujkar, MV Coppi, C Leang, BC Kim, MA Chavan, LA Perpetua, ... Microbiology 159 (Pt_3), 515-535, 2013 | 196 | 2013 |
Electrically conductive pili from pilin genes of phylogenetically diverse microorganisms DR Walker, DJ, Adhikari, RY, Holmes, DE, Ward, JE, Woodard, TL, Nevin, KP ... ISME J 141, 2017 | 191* | 2017 |