Adaptively sampled distance fields: A general representation of shape for computer graphics SF Frisken, RN Perry, AP Rockwood, TR Jones Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 2000 | 910 | 2000 |
Design galleries: A general approach to setting parameters for computer graphics and animation J Marks, B Andalman, PA Beardsley, W Freeman, S Gibson, J Hodgins, ... Seminal Graphics Papers: Pushing the Boundaries, Volume 2, 73-84, 2023 | 848 | 2023 |
A Survey of Deformable Modeling in Computer Graphics S Gibson, B Mirtich MERL Technical Report, 1997 | 772 | 1997 |
Experimental Test of an Analytic Model of Aberration in an Oil-immersion Objective Lens used in 3D Light Microscopy S Gibson, F Lanni Journal of the Optical Society of America A 8, 1601-1613, 1991 | 719 | 1991 |
3D ChainMail: a Fast Algorithm for Deforming Volumetric Objects S Gibson Proceedings of the 1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 149-154, 1997 | 351 | 1997 |
Simulating Arthroscopic Knee Surgery using Volumetric Object Representations, Real-time Volume Rendering, and Haptic Feedback S Gibson, Samosky, Mor, Fyock, Grimson, Kanade, Kikinis, Lauer, ... Proceedings CVRMed and MRCAS, 369-378, 1997 | 284 | 1997 |
Kizamu: A system for sculpting digital characters RN Perry, SF Frisken Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 2001 | 283 | 2001 |
Using Distance Maps for Accurate Surface Representation in Sampled Volumes S Gibson Proc. 1998 IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization, 23-30, 1998 | 276 | 1998 |
“Constrained Elastic SurfaceNets: Generating Smooth Surfaces from Binary Segmented Data S Gibson Proc. Medical Image Computation and Computer Assisted Interventions, 888-898, 1998 | 259 | 1998 |
Simple and efficient traversal methods for quadtrees and octrees SF Frisken, RN Perry Journal of Graphics Tools 7 (3), 1-11, 2002 | 222 | 2002 |
Using linked volumes to model object collisions, deformation, cutting, carving, and joining SF Frisken-Gibson IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 5 (4), 333-348, 1999 | 204 | 1999 |
Applications of ultrasound in the resection of brain tumors R Sastry, WL Bi, S Pieper, S Frisken, T Kapur, W Wells III, AJ Golby Journal of Neuroimaging 27 (1), 5-15, 2017 | 182 | 2017 |
Collision avoidance system for voxel-based object representation SFF Gibson US Patent 5,548,694, 1996 | 162 | 1996 |
Diffraction by a Circular Aperture as a Model for 3D Optical Microscopy S Gibson, L F. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 6, 1357-1367, 1989 | 144 | 1989 |
Volumetric Object Modeling for Surgical Simulation Gibson, Fyock, Grimson, Kanade, Kikinis, Lauer, McKenzie, Mor, ... Medical Image Analysis, 2 (2), 121-132, 1998 | 135 | 1998 |
A 64-solenoid, four-level fingertip search display for the blind SF Frisken-Gibson, P Bach-Y-Rita, WJ Tompkins, JG Webster IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 963-965, 1987 | 120 | 1987 |
Beyond Volume Rendering: Visualization, Haptic Exploration, and Physical Modeling of Voxel-based Objects S Gibson Visualization in Scientific Computing 1995, 10-24, 1995 | 113 | 1995 |
EM-Cube: An Architecture for Low-cost Real-time Volume Rendering Osborne, Pfister, Lauer, McKenzie, Gibson, Hiatt, Ohkami Proceedings SIGGRAPH, Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware ‘97, 1997 | 106 | 1997 |
Locator device for control of graphical objects SFF Gibson US Patent 5,512,920, 1996 | 103 | 1996 |
Biomechanical Simulation of the Vitreous Humor of the Eye Using an Enhanced ChainMail Algorithm M Schill, S Gibson Proc. Medical Image Computation and Computer Integrated Surgery, 679-687, 1998 | 94 | 1998 |