Çocuk ve ergen adli olgularda ruhsal değerlendirme M Ayaz, AB Ayaz, N Soylu Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi 15 (1), 33-40, 2012 | 116 | 2012 |
Psychiatric disorders and characteristics of abuse in sexually abused children and adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities N Soylu, AH Alpaslan, M Ayaz, S Esenyel, M Oruç Research in developmental disabilities 34 (12), 4334-4342, 2013 | 111 | 2013 |
Cinsel istismar mağduru çocuk ve ergenlerde ruh sağlığını etkileyen etkenlerin araĢtırılması N SOYLU, B ġEntÜRk PĠLan, M AYAZ, S SÖNMEZ | 96* | 2012 |
Cinsel istismar mağduru çocuk ve ergen olgularımızın sosyodemografik ve klinik özellikleri YE Dönmez, N Soylu, ÖÖ Özcan, T Yüksel, AÇ Demir, PÇ Bayhan, ... Journal Of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 21 (1), 44-48, 2014 | 92 | 2014 |
Sociodemographic characteristics and psychiatric evaluation of girls who were married at younger age and referred for criminal evaluation N Soylu, M Ayaz Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 14 (2), 136-144, 2013 | 87* | 2013 |
Disordered eating attitudes, alexithymia and suicide probability among Turkish high school girls AH Alpaslan, N Soylu, A Kadriye, KŞ Coşkun, U Kocak, HU Taş Psychiatry research 226 (1), 224-229, 2015 | 72 | 2015 |
The Association between Problematic Internet Use, Suicide Probability, Alexithymia and Loneliness among Turkish Medical Students. J Psychiatry 18: 1000208. doi: 10.4172 AH Alpaslan, K Avci, N Soylu, HI Guzel Psychiatry 1000208 (2), 2015 | 61 | 2015 |
Effects of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on child abuse and neglect ES Gokten, NS Duman, N Soylu, ME Uzun Child abuse & neglect 62, 1-9, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
Gender differences in sexually abused children and adolescents: a multicenter study in Turkey N Soylu, M Ayaz, ES Gökten, AH Alpaslan, YE Dönmez, ÖÖ Özcan, ... Journal of child sexual abuse 25 (4), 415-427, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
Investigation of social, emotional, and cognitive factors with effect on suicidal behaviour in adolescents with depression N Soylu, Y Taneli, S Taneli Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi 50 (4), 352, 2013 | 41* | 2013 |
Psychiatric disorders and symptoms severity in preschool children with atopic eczema F Catal, E Topal, N Soylu, OO Ozcan, MH Celiksoy, A Babayiğit, ... Allergologia et immunopathologia 44 (2), 120-124, 2016 | 39 | 2016 |
Suicidal behavior and associated factors in sexually abused adolescents N Soylu, AH Alpaslan Children and Youth Services Review 35 (2), 253-257, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
Problematic Internet use was more common in Turkish adolescents with major depressive disorders than controls AH Alpaslan, N Soylu, U Kocak, HI Guzel Acta paediatrica 105 (6), 695-700, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
Association between premenstrual syndrome and alexithymia among Turkish University students AH Alpaslan, K Avcı, N Soylu, HU Taş Gynecological Endocrinology 30 (5), 377-380, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |
Psychiatric disorders and symptoms severity in pre-school children with cow's milk allergy E Topal, F Catal, N Soylu, OO Ozcan, MH Celiksoy, A Babayiğit, D Erge, ... Allergologia et immunopathologia 44 (5), 445-449, 2016 | 28 | 2016 |
Early-married and sexually abused girls differ in their psychiatric outcomes N Soylu, M Ayaz, T Yüksel Child abuse & neglect 38 (9), 1552-1559, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
Caring for the most vulnerable: a model for managing maladaptive behavior in children with mental special needs during the COVID-19 pandemic OB Dursun, B Turan, M Gulsen, A Karayagmurlu, A Tugce Mustan, A Kutlu, ... Telemedicine and e-Health 27 (9), 1068-1073, 2021 | 26 | 2021 |
Psychiatric disorders and symptoms severity in patients with adenotonsillar hypertrophy before and after adenotonsillectomy E Soylu, N Soylu, YS Yıldırım, Ö Sakallıoğlu, C Polat, I Orhan International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 77 (10), 1775-1781, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
The role of adverse childhood experiences and attachment styles in social anxiety disorder in adolescents S Derin, SB Selman, B Alyanak, N Soylu Clinical child psychology and psychiatry 27 (3), 644-657, 2022 | 23 | 2022 |
The relationship between online sexual solicitation and internet addiction in adolescents YE Dönmez, N Soylu Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 29 (8), 911-923, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |