Efficient deep CNN-based fire detection and localization in video surveillance applications K Muhammad, J Ahmad, Z Lyu, P Bellavista, P Yang, SW Baik IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49 (7), 1419-1434, 2018 | 550 | 2018 |
Game on, science-how video game technology may help biologists tackle visualization challenges Z Lyu, A Tek, F Da Silva, C Empereur-Mot, M Chavent, M Baaden PloS one 8 (3), e57990, 2013 | 437 | 2013 |
Next-generation big data analytics: State of the art, challenges, and future research topics Z Lyu, H Song, P Basanta-Val, A Steed, M Jo IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (4), 1891-1899, 2017 | 405 | 2017 |
Touch-less interactive augmented reality game on vision-based wearable device Z Lyu, A Halawani, S Feng, S Ur Réhman, H Li Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 19, 551-567, 2015 | 393 | 2015 |
Multimodal hand and foot gesture interaction for handheld devices Z Lyu, A Halawani, S Feng, H Li, SU Réhman ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2014 | 346 | 2014 |
Medical image fusion method by deep learning Y Li, J Zhao, Z Lyu, J Li International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 2, 21-29, 2021 | 295 | 2021 |
A joint multi-criteria utility-based network selection approach for vehicle-to-infrastructure networking D Jiang, L Huo, Z Lyu, H Song, W Qin IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (10), 3305-3319, 2018 | 289 | 2018 |
Cyber security in smart cities: a review of deep learning-based applications and case studies D Chen, P Wawrzynski, Z Lyu Sustainable Cities and Society 66, 102655, 2021 | 288 | 2021 |
Analysis of healthcare big data Z Lyu, L Qiao Future Generation Computer Systems 109, 103-110, 2020 | 283 | 2020 |
Fuzzy detection aided real-time and robust visual tracking under complex environments S Liu, S Wang, X Liu, CT Lin, Z Lv IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 29 (1), 90-102, 2020 | 264 | 2020 |
Hybrid microgrid many-objective sizing optimization with fuzzy decision B Cao, W Dong, Z Lyu, Y Gu, S Singh, P Kumar IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28 (11), 2702-2710, 2020 | 258 | 2020 |
A many-objective optimization model of industrial internet of things based on private blockchain B Cao, X Wang, W Zhang, H Song, Z Lyu IEEE Network 34 (5), 78-83, 2020 | 253 | 2020 |
Attribute-based encryption with parallel outsourced decryption for edge intelligent IoV C Feng, K Yu, M Aloqaily, M Alazab, Z Lyu, S Mumtaz IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (11), 13784-13795, 2020 | 247 | 2020 |
Energy-efficient multi-constraint routing algorithm with load balancing for smart city applications D Jiang, P Zhang, Z Lyu, H Song IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (6), 1437-1447, 2016 | 233 | 2016 |
Multiobjective evolution of fuzzy rough neural network via distributed parallelism for stock prediction B Cao, J Zhao, Z Lyu, Y Gu, P Yang, SK Halgamuge IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28 (5), 939-952, 2020 | 230 | 2020 |
Design of personnel big data management system based on blockchain J Chen, Z Lyu, H Song Future generation computer systems 101, 1122-1129, 2019 | 226 | 2019 |
Infrastructure monitoring and operation for smart cities based on IoT system Z Lyu, B Hu, H Lv IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (3), 1957-1962, 2019 | 225 | 2019 |
Government affairs service platform for smart city Z Lyu, X Li, W Wang, B Zhang, J Hu, S Feng Future Generation Computer Systems 81, 443-451, 2018 | 213 | 2018 |
Multi-disease prediction based on deep learning: a survey S Xie, Z Yu, Z Lv Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 128 (2), 489-522, 2021 | 209 | 2021 |
Big data analytics for 6G-enabled massive internet of things Z Lyu, R Lou, J Li, AK Singh, H Song IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (7), 5350-5359, 2021 | 205 | 2021 |