Anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in a strong external magnetic field D Montgomery, L Turner | 315 | 1981 |
Three‐dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in cylindrical geometry D Montgomery, L Turner, G Vahala The Physics of Fluids 21 (5), 757-764, 1978 | 276 | 1978 |
Use of Single-Pion Production to Remove Ambiguities in Partially Conserved Axial-Vector Current and Current-Algebra Predictions of π− π Scattering MG Olsson, L Turner Physical Review Letters 20 (20), 1127, 1968 | 140 | 1968 |
Hall effects on magnetic relaxation L Turner IEEE transactions on plasma science 14 (6), 849-857, 2007 | 120 | 2007 |
Magnetic field dependence of plasma relaxation times D Montgomery, G Joyce, L Turner The Physics of Fluids 17 (12), 2201-2204, 1974 | 88 | 1974 |
Collective effects on equilibria of trapped charged plasmas L Turner The Physics of fluids 30 (10), 3196-3203, 1987 | 87 | 1987 |
Most probable states in magnetohydrodynamics D Montgomery, L Turner, G Vahala Journal of Plasma Physics 21 (2), 239-251, 1979 | 86 | 1979 |
Force free equilibria in toroidal geometry G Miller, L Turner Physics of Fluids 24 (2), 363-365, 1981 | 74 | 1981 |
Consistency of Low-Energy Parameters and Soft-Pion Scattering Theory MG Olsson, L Turner Physical Review 181 (5), 2141, 1969 | 73 | 1969 |
Driven, steady-state RFP computations JP Dahlburg, D Montgomery, GD Doolen, L Turner Journal of plasma physics 40 (1), 39-68, 1988 | 54 | 1988 |
Analytic solutions of del x B= lambdaB having separatrices for geometries with one ignorable coordinate L Turner Phys. Fluids;(United States) 27 (7), 1984 | 54 | 1984 |
Incomplete relaxation of pinch discharges L Turner, JP Christiansen The Physics of Fluids 24 (5), 893-898, 1981 | 51 | 1981 |
Turbulent relaxation to a force-free field-reversed state JP Dahlburg, D Montgomery, GD Doolen, L Turner Physical review letters 57 (4), 428, 1986 | 50 | 1986 |
Fokker-Planck equation for a plasma in a magnetic field D Montgomery, L Turner, G Joyce Physics of Fluids 17 (5), 954-960, 1974 | 45 | 1974 |
Production and application of dense Penning trap plasmas DC Barnes, RA Nebel, L Turner Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics 5 (10), 3651-3660, 1993 | 44 | 1993 |
Two‐and‐a‐half‐dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence D Montgomery, L Turner The Physics of Fluids 25 (2), 345-349, 1982 | 44 | 1982 |
Turbulent relaxation of a confined magnetofluid to a force-free state JP Dahlburg, D Montgomery, GD Doolen, L Turner Journal of plasma physics 37 (2), 299-321, 1987 | 35 | 1987 |
Statistical mechanics of a bounded, ideal magnetofluid L Turner Annals of Physics 149 (1), 58-161, 1983 | 32 | 1983 |
Implications for the Δ N π Interaction and σ Term from Low-Energy π N Scattering MG Olsson, L Turner, ET Osypowski Physical Review D 7 (11), 3444, 1973 | 31 | 1973 |
Hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic computations inside a rotating sphere PD Mininni, DC Montgomery, L Turner New Journal of Physics 9 (8), 303, 2007 | 29 | 2007 |