מאמרים עם הרשאות לגישה ציבורית - Hosseini, S.A.למידע נוסף
לא זמינים באתר כלשהו: 2
Immersed boundary lattice Boltzmann simulation of turbulent channel flows in the presence of spherical particles
A Eshghinejadfard, A Abdelsamie, SA Hosseini, D Thévenin
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 96, 161-172, 2017
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Simulation of reacting flows in packed beds using flamelet generated manifolds
E Illana, H Merten, T Bergold, M Khodsiani, S Hosseini, D Mira, F Beyrau, ...
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 102264, 2023
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
זמינים באתר כלשהו: 27
Fully-resolved prolate spheroids in turbulent channel flows: A lattice Boltzmann study
A Eshghinejadfard, SA Hosseini, D Thévenin
AIP Advances 7 (9), 095007, 2017
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann-finite difference model for low mach number combustion simulation
SA Hosseini, H Safari, N Darabiha, D Thévenin, M Krafczyk
Combustion and Flame 209, 394-404, 2019
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Mass-conserving advection–diffusion Lattice Boltzmann model for multi-species reacting flows
SA Hosseini, N Darabiha, D Thévenin
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 499, 40-57, 2018
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Stability of the lattice kinetic scheme and choice of the free relaxation parameter
SA Hosseini, C Coreixas, N Darabiha, D Thévenin
Physical Review E 99 (6), 063305, 2019
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Lattice Boltzmann advection-diffusion model for conjugate heat transfer in heterogeneous media
SA Hosseini, N Darabiha, D Thévenin
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132, 906-919, 2019
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Compressibility in lattice Boltzmann on standard stencils: effects of deviation from reference temperature
SA Hosseini, N Darabiha, D Thévenin
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Extended Lattice Boltzmann Model for Gas Dynamics
MH Saadat, SA Hosseini, B Dorschner, IV Karlin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.09512, 2021
הרשאות: European Commission
Low-Mach hybrid lattice Boltzmann-finite difference solver for combustion in complex flows
SA Hosseini, A Abdelsamie, N Darabiha, D Thévenin
Physics of Fluids 32 (7), 077105, 2020
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Extensive analysis of the lattice Boltzmann method on shifted stencils
SA Hosseini, C Coreixas, N Darabiha, D Thévenin
Physical Review E 100 (6), 063301, 2019
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Lattice Boltzmann for non-ideal fluids: Fundamentals and Practice
SA Hosseini, IV Karlin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.02011, 2023
הרשאות: European Commission
Entropic lattice Boltzmann methods: A review
SA Hosseini, M Atif, S Ansumali, IV Karlin
Computers & Fluids, 105884, 2023
הרשאות: European Commission
Lattice Boltzmann model for simulation of flow in intra-cranial aneurysms considering non-Newtonian effects
SA Hosseini, F Huang, D Thévenin
Physics of Fluids, 2022
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Central moments multiple relaxation time LBM for hemodynamic simulations in intracranial aneurysms: An in-vitro validation study using PIV and PC-MRI
SA Hosseini, P Berg, F Huang, C Roloff, G Janiga, D Thévenin
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 104251, 2021
הרשאות: German Research Foundation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Lattice Boltzmann methods for combustion applications
SA Hosseini, P Boivin, D Thevenin, I Karlin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.07517, 2023
הרשאות: German Research Foundation, European Commission, Agence Nationale de la …
Towards a consistent lattice Boltzmann model for two-phase fluid
SA Hosseini, B Dorschner, IV Karlin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.01975, 2021
הרשאות: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
Lattice Boltzmann Solver for Multiphase Flows: Application to High Weber and Reynolds Numbers
SA Hosseini, H Safari, D Thevenin
Entropy 23 (2), 166, 2021
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Modeling ice crystal growth using the lattice Boltzmann method
Q Tan, SA Hosseini, A Seidel-Morgenstern, D Thévenin, H Lorenz
Physics of Fluids 34 (1), 013311, 2022
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Eulerian discrete kinetic framework in comoving reference frame for hypersonic flows
Y Ji, SA Hosseini, B Dorschner, KH Luo, IV Karlin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 983, A11, 2024
הרשאות: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Engineering and Physical …
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